Chapter 2

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They walk in silence for a while till Steve decides to break it " So Tony how old are you? " He asks hoping that it won't bother the younger man. The boy doesn't seem to notice his nervousness and simply answers "I'm 17" .

Without knowing what else to do to keep a conversation Steve tries to take in his surroundings. They have left behind them the cafe and they've entered a poor neighborhood. There're only old buildings which Steve is surprised that they even stand.

It's getting darker and colder when he realizes that the teen is wearing just a worn out jacket. " Hey kid aren't you freezing?! You're obviously not dressed properly for this weather! " " I have had worse" Tony shrugs.

They finally stop in front of a simple wooden door. Tony takes out his keys and they get in. They're climbing the stairs quietly and Steve can't help but wonder what damned building hasn't an elevator. They come to a stop on the last floor .

Tony talks for the first time as he opens the front door of his apartment. " Well this is it please don't freak out I know it's probably smaller than your bathroom. Try to make yourself comfortable while I take shower. If you need some water or anything there's in the fridge. Sorry I would offer you something else but I believe that you won't like tomato soup in a can so yeah... " With that he leaves Steve alone.

My bathroom is indeed bigger than this he thinks and suddenly feels bad for the kid who has gone through so much in his life that he's ended up staying at that tiny place without his parents and he's only 17.

The apartment is basically a room with a bed that is used as a couch as well a nightstand/ table in a corner and an old chair a little farther. Next to the door there's a small fridge. There's no an oven instead there's a microwave on the counter. He doesn't see a wardrobe anywhere so he supposes that Tony puts his clothes in the kitchen's cupboards.

Not knowing what else to do he opens the fridge to take the water bottle. In there there's a big bottle and some cans like Tony said. Steve then remebers he hasn't a glass so slowly and trying not to make any noise he opens the first cupboard. There're some notebooks, pens and that kind of stuff. The next one has some clean towels. The third is full with warn out t-shirts, a pair of pants  two sweatpants as he guessed. The underwears and socks cupboard was under the one with the clothes. Finally in the last one he finds some glasses.

He sits awkwardly on the chair and looks around him. Although Tony is apparently really poor there's a laptop on the table and Steve is surprised by the jealousy he feels with the thought that it's probably a gift.

Other than the laptop there's only a book. The man is ashamed of himself when he notices how clean and tidy the room is. If he didn't have a maid his penthouse would have been a total mess.

The walls are plain white and over the bed hangs a photo of a young boy with fluffy brown hair and big innocent honey brown eyes. The boy is smiling wide  at an older man while a woman's trying to convince him to wear his jacket. It's cute. Something Steve never had.

When Tony's done he comes back in the main room. He's changed clothes and now he's wearing an old shirt and sweatpants. His hair is wet and falls on his forehead. He's not very different from his younger self. He's still cute.

"Well If you want to use the bathroom be my guest. Sorry but there's nothing you can do to kill your time I have no Wi-Fi. I was planning on doing some Math but if you want I can keep you company. "Tony says. "Huh sure. So how do you spend your free time? " "That's an easy one. I don't have any. In the mornings I work at a workshop after at the cafe and when I'm home I study. " " Oh man that's a lot!"he sips from his glass and then adds quietly "You don't have to talk to me you know. You can study" "Okay".

Steve takes out his phone and check his messages while Tony sits in a corner with a book and a notebook on his lap. A couple of hours pass like that when the blond decides to start a new conversation. He picks up his gaze from the screen only to see that the teen has fallen asleep. His eyes soften and he lifts softly the boy and put him on bed.

Tony wakes up in the same position the next morning to see that the man's gone and has only left a note on the table.

Thank you so much for letting me stay here for the night it means a lot. You're really one of a kind. Hope to see you again.
Steve Rogers

So this was so difficult to write and I am sorry if it weren't how you wanted it. I hope next week's chapter is better.

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