Chapter 12

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After leaving the workshop early Tony has some time before his shift in the cafe starts. He walks around the streets trying to sort out his thoughts.

He really should've wait to make a better plan and then quit. What is he supposed to do now? He's going to end up homeless again. His paycheck from the cafe is bearly enough for the basics. His main income was coming from Obadiah.

Out of panic he makes the decision and walks to a better part of the city. Finally he makes it to a tall building. He's sure that this is the address Steve gave him but now he's there he's hesitant. After a moment he decides to go for it and he gets in.

He walks to the reception and clears his throat. "Eh... Excuse me... Can I see Steve Rogers? "

"Do you have an appointment? " The lady behind the desk asks him.

"No... "

"The I'm sorry but I can't allow you entrance"

"I'm sure he won't mind... "

"Sorry sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave"

"Please can't you call him or ask him or something? " Tony begs.

Before the woman can answer a man approach them. He's of average height but well built and kinda scary. His brown hair is in a man ban and he has this strict look in his eyes.

"What's going on here? " He asks with an air of authority.

"Mr.Barnes I was just trying to explain to this boy that he can't see Mr. Rogers without an appointment. " The receptionist answers.

The man turns to Tony and examines him with interest. "Who are you kid?" He asks lastly.

"My name's Tony. Please I really have to see Ste- eh Mr. Rogers. "

"Omg you're Tony?! I'm Bucky! Wow I can't believe I finally meet you! Of course let me take you to Steve! "

Tony's sure that he mirrors the look of surprise of the woman.
"You're Bucky? Steve talks a lot about you"

"I'm sure it's not as much as he talks about you though, that punk" The man-Bucky- laughs.

He follows Bucky to the top floor I front of a plain door which he opens without bothering to knock.

"For God's sake Buck! What happened now? " Steve asks irritated without looking at them.

"Wow keep calm Stevie! Just look who I run into at the reception! "

"Hi Steve. " Tony greets shyly.

"Oh Tones!? What are you doing here baby? " Now the blond finally looks away from his papers.

"Could I maybe talk to you? "

"Of course doll! What's wrong? Buck get out please. "

As Bucky complies with a groan Steve beckons Tony to come closer. He walks to man he's pretty sure he loves and gets in his arms.

"Okay wanna tell me what happened ,love?" Steve asks finally.

"Yeah... " The teen murmurs hesitantly " Well... Lately I had some problems with my boss in the workshop. You see he did some illegal shit and I'd told him he had to tell me if he wants to keep doing it because I could get in trouble, you know "he starts.

" Yes of course he can't do this kind of things if it can affect you "

"That's what I told him and he said he would stop or if he kept doing it he would let me know. But today I found out he didn't stop nor told me so... " He stops and takes a deep breath. "So I quit".

Silence drops after Tony's words. It stretches the time and neither can say if it lasts a minute or an hour.

" I didn't know where else to go that's why I'm here in this hour. " The younger boy breaks it at the end.

"I'm glad you want to be with me right now. Don't worry doll everything will be alright." Steve says.

"But how? I won't make enough money to keep my apartment I will end up in the streets again" Tony says desperation clear in his voice.

"Hey hey hey! What are you talking about? You're not going back there not as long as I am here. Please baby just come live with me! You won't even need your job in the cafe. You'll finally focus on your lessons. Please I can give everything you need! "

"Steve I can't do that and you know it! I have to do something on my own. Even if I come live at yours I have to give something back! "

Steve thinks for a moment and then he offers " Okay then come live with me and you can make some blueprints for the company. Huh what do you say? I know that you're a genius you have great ideas it'd be really beneficial for us to have you in our team. "

Tony stares surprised " Would you trust me for this? I mean I haven't even graduated from high school. "

"You'll do great my poor beautiful genius"

"I guess we can try..."


Hey! I'm sure I owe you a huge apology. It's been over two months since the last update guys I'm  so so so so sorry. Also an extra apology for this chapter. I wrote half of it half an hour after I woke up during an online class and the second half at night after long day.
Hope everyone is safe and healthy

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