Chapter 11

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"I love you"

Tony heard Steve's soft voice whisper just before he let sleep take him. Now he's laying awake in the blond's bed watching the older man snoring softly and can't help thinking about those words.

The boy has spent the whole week thinking and he's come to conclusion that he's indeed in love with the billionaire. The question is did Steve really said it or was it just a beautiful dream? Should he ask or pretend he doesn't care?

As he's about to go back to sleep the corner of his eye catches the clock on the nightstand. 7:15. Shit. He throws the blanket away puts on his clothes quickly but carefully to not wake Steve. He should have been to the workshop 15 minutes ago!

He runs to the door but then stops and decides to leave a note to explain as to why he didn't stay for breakfast.

With this done he leaves the penthouse and runs all the way to work. He's there in record time just 20 minutes later and he gets to work immediately.

After a while he's finished with last week's work and has nothing else to do. He decides to help with the paperwork. Obadiah has given him permission to deal with some of it himself. There's only a drawer that he's not allowed to open.

He looks around for a pen and notices that the forbidden drawer is unlocked. Since he's alone in the workshop so out of curiosity he takes out the files.

Tony lately has discovered that Obadiah deals with outlaws and they had plenty fights about it. The boy was outraged when he found out. He deserves to know if it's something dangerous. He works in the shop after all he could be in big trouble.

That's the reason why he can't believe that just now he found proofs of this illegal activity. He thought that after their last argument his boss would have at least warn him.

He puts the files back in and locks the drawer. He goes to the front of the shop to find something to work on to keep him busy until Obie is here.

It turns out he doesn't have to wait for long. An hour later the older man enters the workshop and heads to the office without acknowledging the boy.

Tony immediately drops whatever he's doing and follows him. As he stops at the open door he's suddenly not sure what to do. Should he mention the files first or engage a small talk ?

"Good morning my boy! " Obadiah greets him bringing him back to reality.

"Good morning. There is something I actually wanted to talk to you about." He decides to go for it.

"Go ahead"

"I quit" He says simply surprising himself. He didn't expect to actually say the words.

"What?! " Obadiah turns around to look at him not understanding the teen.

"I quit" Tony says again.

"But why? " The man asks looking kinda offended.

"I don't like being lied to"

"I didn't lie to you"

"But you did. I found the files. " His voice comes out calm and cold despite his freaking out inside. He wants to take it all back and beg Obie to forget the conversation but the words won't come out.

"I told you I don't want to get in trouble you didn't stop so I'm just gonna leave now and you can start looking for an employee who won't mind your activities. " He says instead and without waiting for an answer turns around and walks out the door.

Only when he's far enough he let's himself panic. What is he going to do now? He has to find a new job or he will end up in the streets again. How could he be so stupid?
Heyy! It's been awhile I'm sorry :(: Here's a crappy chapter. I obviously have no idea what are Obadiah's illegal activities and it won't go further I just wanted angst so I apologize if you wanted to focus on that.
Bye for now! :)

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