Chapter 8

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It's almost noon by the time Steve wakes up in an unfamiliar room. It takes a while to realize that it's Tony's apartment and a bit more to remember last night's events.

Their first kiss had ended up in a make out session but they hadn't done anything more. They'd just hold each other till they fell asleep.

He looks around him but he can't see Tony anywhere. His eye catches a note on the table. He picks it up and reads.

I woke up and felt better. I didn't want to wake you. I'm going to be at the workshop till 4 and then at the cafe till 9. If you want you can come by:) Thank you for last night.

Steve immediately picks his stuff and checks the time. 11:30 so Tony will be at the workshop. As he's ready to leave the place his phone rings.

He glances at the caller ID. Bucky... Of course he'll call the most inconvenient moment. He answers anyway.

"Hey Buck! What's up? "

"Steve where the hell are you?!! You were supposed to be here two hours ago!"

"Ugh sorry I slept in. "

"Okay are you on your way? "

" Oh about that... I'm not coming today. "

"Are you alright? "

"Couldn't be better"

"Ooh so it went well with the kid huh? "

"He's almost 18 jerk"

"So it went well"

"I'm not saying anything"

"Come on punk tell meee. I'm your best friend! "

"I said no! "

" Oh I see... So did you do dirty stuff? " Bucky asks and the blond can almost see the knowing smirk in his friend's face.

"See you later Bucky" Steve ends the conversation.

He drives the short distance to the workshop Tony works in silence thinking of the short brunet and their kiss last night and how bad he wants to hold him every single night and never let him get hurt ever again.

He reaches his destination and gets out of the car. That's when the nervousness hits him. Should he not have come this early? Tony wrote he can stop by if he wants right? Should he have brought flowers or chocolates or something? Does he smell nice?

As he's ready to get in the car again and drive away he hears loud voices from the workshop and recognizes Tony's.

"... And that's illegal you should have warn me! " Tony shouts.

"Calm down my boy you're out of your mind right now. " A male voice says.

"No you don't get to tell me to calm down! They could come anytime and I would get in trouble! "

That's the moment Steve chooses to get in and stop them. He sees Tony face to face with an old bold man. They're apparently both angry and it seems like they just started.

"Eh em" He clears his throat to let them know of his presence.

They both startle and turn around to face him.

"Oh Steve hey! " Tony says trying to play it cool.

" Is it not a good time? I can come back later... " The blond asks awkwardly.

"No it's fine. Obie, we will finish this conversation an other time. " The teen turns to the man.

"I wish we didn't... Anyway I'll give you two some privacy. " The man - Obie- says knowingly and goes to the office at the back of the store.

"So... " Tony starts.

"So... " Steve agrees.

They stare at each other for a moment and then they both step closer and meet in a kiss in the middle.

The break apart to breath.

"You came." Tony says.

"You said I could. " Steve replies." I came to tell you that last night... I..."

" It's ok Steve I understand " Tony looks disappointed.

"No! That's not what I meant sweetheart. I don't regret anything! Actually no... I regret not doing it earlier. " The boy blushes a little at the pet name.

"Oh...that's good cause I really liked it... " Tony says shyly.

"I liked it too baby really. So will you go out with me? Tonight? I'll pick you up from your place after your shift end. Huh what do you say? Will you come? "

"You mean like a date...? "

"Exactly what I meant. Come on doll say yes. It would make me the happiest man in the world. "

"Well who am I not to let you be the happiest man in the world then... " In Steve's silence Tony adds " That's a yes"and smiles softly.
It's been a while and I'm really sorry I wasn't able to update earlier. I hope you like the new chapter. Also it'll probably have 16 chapters in total but I'm not sure yet.

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