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Y/n woke up and opened her eyes, followed by a deep sigh. '2 days before the party.' She thought to herself. There are barely 48 hours until their scheduled swimming party.

She was thinking of what things to prepare since she never went to a swimming party before. But before the girl could even look at the things she could possibly bring, her gaze averted to the clock.

"Shit. The time." she mumbled.

Y/n took a bath then quickly ran downstairs but was stopped she tripped halfway down the stairs and rolled down the rest. Luckily, only her elbows were scratched because she was wearing high knee socks. Though there are a few bruises here and there.

She ignored the pain and again grabbed whatever she saw in the fridge and ran out the house only to be welcomed by a tall figure standing outside her house.

"Tsukishima? What are you doing here? Waiting for me?"  Y/n asked.

"Nah. Why would I?" Tsukishima denied.

"Let's go." the girl said.

Whilst walking, the boy noticed the scratch on the girl's elbow.

"What happened to that?" he asked, pointing at the girl's scratched elbow.

"That's nothing. I just fell down the stairs."

"Oh so that's the loud thud I heard. Honto baka." Tsukishima said as his hand roamed inside his bag, looking for something.

He ripped open a small band aid and reached for the girl's arms, sticking it onto her scratched elbow. Y/n flinched as she felt his hands touch her arm.

"Thanks. Do you always carry a band aid with you?" she asked.

"Yeah. You never know what'll happen during practice." Tsukishima said.

"By the way, my mom and nii-san liked the strawberry shortcake. Thanks." he continued.

"Thanks, tell me if they want more. I can make it again."

The girl put on her earphones to listen to some music but she suddenly felt a poke on her shoulder.

"What are you listening to?" the boy beside her asked.

Y/n answered his question by putting one of the earbuds in his ear, which shocked the boy and gave his cheeks a tint of red.

They were both vibing to the music while walking and after a couple of minutes, they arrived to the school and in their room, still sharing the same earphones.

Tsukishima opened the door to their room and the two of them entered. All eyes immediately looked at the two, whispering things.

"You two are dating aren't you?" a classmate of them said.

"Ooooohhhh." the whole class exclaimed, teasing the two.

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