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Tomorrow is the Karasuno volleyball club's overnight swimming party. After the day's class, everyone was busy packing up their luggages in their own houses.

"Hmm. Where should I start?" Y/n said to herself as she looked at the pile of clothes on her bed.

It took her a while before she decided what to bring and what to wear tomorrow. She then packed all her clothes, a towel, and a few hygiene products. She didn't pack any bathing suit since she honestly has no plan on going into the pool.

After finally zipping close her luggage, she layed her back flat on her bed.

"Should I really go?" she asked herself as she sighed.

"Well, I already packed up. I have no choice." she said, answering her own question.

She then took a little nap and woke up at 11 pm. She went downstairs to get herself a snack but was only met with an empty pantry. 'But i just bought some yesterday.' she thought.

The girl had no choice but to buy outside and so she slipped on her slippers and went out, headed for the convenience store.

As soon as she arrived, she roamed every aisle, grabbing everything she needed. She also got extra snacks to bring to the party tomorrow.

As soon as she went to the counter, a white noise from the wind chime hanging on the convenience store's door was heard and a very familiar guy walked in.

"Oh, hey Tsukishima." Y/n greeted as she paid the cashier.

"Hey. What are you doing here late at night?" Tsukishima asked.

"I just got something to eat and figured i could bring some snacks tomorrow." the girl said as she walked towards the door.

"Okay. Bye." the boy said as the girl went outside the store.

Tsukishima went to an aisle and grabbed a potato snack. He then went to pay for it and walked out. Though he didn't expect to see the girl waiting outside the store.

"Were you waiting for me?" he asked.

"Mhm. I can, right?" she replied.

The two walked around their neighbourhood, nibbling on their own snacks. Though the two barely talked because of their snacks, both of them felt safe around each other's presence.

A cold wind suddenly blowed towards their direction, causing the girl who was only wearing a shirt and sweatpants to shiver. The boy noticed the girl's shivering and took off his jacket, putting it on the girl's head, covering her face.

"Use that." he coldly said.

"I'm fine. We're only a few minutes away anyway." the girl said as she handed the jacket back to the boy.

"Just wear it." the boy still coldly said, putting it again on the girl, but this time, on her shoulders.

The girl did not complain and just wore the boy's jacket and ate her snack. They both finished what they were eating along with their arrival to the girl's house.

"Thanks for this. See you tomorrow." Y/n said and handed the jacket back to the boy.

"Mhm. See you tomorrow." Tsukishima nodded as he hanged the jacket on his shoulder and walked back home.



Y/n's alarm went off after 5 hours of sleep, causing her to get up. She sighed, realizing that she has to prepare for the swimming party.

She entered the bathroom and took a shower then went on to put on her clothes, a white shirt and skinny jeans.

The girl grabbed her luggage and carried it downstairs, grabbing a sandwich which she brought from the convenience store last night.

She walked out of the house and checked if she missed anything before locking the door.

She was dragging her luggage behind her as she walks to the school, their meeting place.

After around 20 minutes, she arrived to the school looking for their bus and her clubmates. As soon as she spotted them, a voice was also heard.

"L/n-chaaaan! Kochi kochi!" Yachi waved to the girl who was now walking towards them.

"Oi, Ryuu! Mite mite! Tsukishima and L/n-chan are wearing the same outfit!" Nishinoya shouted as he nudged Tanaka's shoulder.

Everyone took a glance at Tsukishima and Y/n, suppresing their giggles.

"Oooooooh! Suuuuuus." Tanaka shouted, pointing at the two.

"You two planned it, didn't you?" Sugawara teased.

"No." the accused two said at the same time.

Y/n approached Tsukishima, looking up at his tall figure.

"I can change if you're uncomfortable about this." she offered.

"It's fine. Don't mind them." he replied.

"We're all here, right? Then let's go!" Takeda-sensei exclaimed.

Everyone went inside the bus, taking their own seats. Y/n was the last one to get in, having no other choice but to seat beside the person who was wearing the same outfit as hers since the rest of the seats were occupied by their luggages.

She sat beside Tsukishima and put on her mask and and earphones as usual.
Though this time she can't sing because someone was beside her.

Their trip will take 4 hours so everyone decided to sleep since they woke up early. As Y/n felt sleepiness taking over her because of the lack of sleep, she put her elbow on top of her seat's arm and rested her head on her hand. She closed her eyes, still listening to the music. Her head repeatedly drops down as she can't contain her sleepiness anymore. And finally, her head just dropped low, with no energy to lift it again.

The boy beside her noticed her actions and quietly chuckled at the scene of the girl's cuteness. He slowly touched her head, gently pushing it towards his shoulder.

Tsukishima again chuckled when the girl squirmed as she adjusted herself comfortably on his shoulder. He continued listening to music in his headphones, stealing glances from the girl here and there.

After a few minutes, he too felt himself drowsing to sleep. His head ended up laying on the girls head which was still laying on his shoulder.

Through the trip, the two just slept with that position, like nothing could ever get more comfortable with each other's warmth.

• 01.09.21 •

Indifferent • k. tsukishima •Where stories live. Discover now