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Loud pants were heard through the girl's room as sweat and tears drip on her pillow. Again, she was having a nightmare. A feeling she last felt a year ago. They were all gone when she stopped swimming. But since she again witnessed the depth of the water yesterday, the nightmares she despise all came back to her.

She kept turning her head side to side and in a moment, her tearful eyes are opened. And there she saw two very familiar figures. A woman and a man standing next to each other. No doubt, they're the girl's parents. Their bodies are facing her but their faces are nowhere to be seen.

The girl laying on the bed tried to move, wanting to escape from sight of the two who kept calling out her name, asking for help. But all her efforts are useless as her body was frozen on the spot, not acting the way she wanted it to.

Having no choice, she just closed her eyes as the voices of her late parents ring through her ears, causing tears to fall from her eyes.

After what seemed like forever, the figures and voices slowly fade and her body felt light. She opened her eyes, finally free from the sleep paralysis.

The girl looked at the clock. 2 am. It hasn't even been two hours since she went to sleep. But it seems like her body has no plan on going back to sleeping.

So instead of crying her eyes out as she force herself to sleep, Y/n decided to just get some fresh air to get rid of all her thoughts for now.

She took a long coat from her closet and headed outside.


After an hour of roaming around the neighbourhood and admiring the dark and starry sky, she headed back home and went upstairs to her room.

She grabbed her phone and turned the volume as loud as possible. She then played her playlist, loudly singing along to each song as if she never cared about a thing in the world.

The girl sat upstraight on her bed, having her own little concert her as the sound of her pleasant voice filled her own room.

And after a few hours of doing random things like reading a book, sketching, and listening to music, it's finally time to go to school.


Y/n walks to her classroom as she regret forgotting to grab the most important thing for her morning, coffee.

She sat on her seat and immediately slammed her head on the desk, causing a loud thud that resulted her classmates to all turn their eyes to her.

The blonde behind her however, just continued staring at the girl wjen everyone else already had their attention already focused on something else.

He was about to poke her back but the teacher came in and started the class.

Y/n lifted her head upon hearing their teacher's voice. Luckily or unluckily, she managed to get through the first class with her unbelievably heavy eyes. But once the third class started, her lack of sleep takes over her. Her eyes continuously blink, together with the almost uncontrollable fall of her head.

Tsukishima notices this and from then on, kept an eye on her as she might again slam her head on the desk.

After 5 minutes of almost dropping her head, her body finally gave up on enduring the sleepiness.

Indifferent • k. tsukishima •Where stories live. Discover now