To Survive (Chapter 1 Final Part)

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I went in my room just to splash myself with water. My head was hurting so bad, but I couldn't feel it at the same time. I dried my face and headed to the dinning hall...

I wasn't the first one but I wasn't the last one either. Makoto arrived last. He was late but he was going through something. We all were, but he was closer to Sayaka than any of us. 

Taka:  You sure took your sweet time! I was just about to go get you and drag you back here!

Makoto: S-Sorry...

Asu: Taka, give him a break.

Taka: Sorry... So? What happened? Was your room fixed up like he said?  I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!

Mondo: Jesus, that's fucked up, man. Why would you say something like that?

Makoto: My room was.... spotless. There wasn't anything left. Like the whole thing... never happened.

Sakura: It must be though staying there, knowing what happened. Why don't you just stay in Sayaka's room?

Makoto: Well... staying there, with her scent still hanging in the air... That would hurt just as much. Plus... I've decided that I can't turn away from her death...

Aoi: M-Makoto... Hey, cheer up! Getting depressed isn't gonna help anything, right? If we all work together, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here! So everyone just.. try and cheer up and get back on track! 

Togami: Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better? 

Aoi: Huh?

Togami: We were already "working together" and yet someone was still murdered. Anyone could betray us at this point. Now that it's happened once, it's a question of when not if, the next one takes place. Now talking about "working together" there's something I want to make sure of. Asu?

I looked at him.

Byakuya: You see, with everything happening... I noticed something. Your Handbook, motive video and Monokuma's little show with you after Junko's death... makes me think you might be implicated in this somehow. Although these are only suspicions. I wanted your opinion on the matter. 

Asu: Well, I am not implicated in this. All these suspicions are valid, considering what we just went trough, but there's is almost no trace of my past life anywhere. Even if I wished to elaborate on it.

Byakuya: "Almost"? Perhaps you should elaborate on that matter. 

Asu: You see, I have these scars all over my body. Although I have no knowledge of how or where they came from, they show that whatever happend before I came here, was surely no piece of cake. These scars are mostly on my hands and arms, but also my back has a giant scar from what seems to be a claw mark. 

Aoi: Wait a claw mark!? How do you even get a claw mark scar on your back!? 

Byakuya: Would you mind showing us that claw mark, I won't believe you until I can see it from my own eyes.

Mondo: Man that's fucking messed up to ask a girl to-

Byakuya: I'm perfectly aware of that, but let's just say I have a hard time trusting all of you, but most of all, her. It shouldn't be a problem if you're telling the truth. 

Taka: This absolutely not acceptable! This is-

Asu: It's fine Taka. I see the point he's trying to make.

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