The final sacrifice (Chapter 6 part 4)

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Makoto: Are you sure you're fine you're looking a little pale.

Athea: I'm fine, we should find the others.

And so the first place we went was the dining hall and suddenly, we were greeted with...

Monokuma: sdhaksjdjkhkjHKJKjkhjdskdskjsnjjdksjkejkjjas

Makoto: You again...

Monokuma: Hfrjksdnkf_dn_ Egsoek103.09.

Makoto: Is he... broken?

Kyoko: I suppose his emotional instability reached its limit.

Monokuma: Aadjnmxkduj_____69!

And then he disappeared.

Makoto: Jeez... What the heck?

Athea: Either Alter Ego's virus has spread or he's just malfunctioning...

Kyoko: I wonder what that was all about...

Makoto sighed in relief.

Aoi: Is that... Makoto?

Makoto: Y-You guys!

Aoi: It is! There is no two ways about it, that's Makoto!

Toko: Huh? You s-survived? 

Byakuya: Jeez... You're like a stubborn little cockroach, you know that?

Yasuhiro: I'm just asking to make sure, but you're not a ghost, right?

Celeste: It appears even your luck can get you out of death, at what extent does your luck stop?

Sakura: I'm glad you are okay.

Byakuya: Wait... what's that smell?

Yasuhiro: Yeah man, that seriously stinks!

Aoi: It's Makoto! He smells like a wet dog!

Toko: G-Get away! Shoo! Shoo!

Celeste: Stay where you are, I don't want your smell to get stuck to my dress.

Makoto awkwardly laughed but was quickly interrupted by Kyoko.

Kyoko: There's no time to indulge in an extended happy reunion. 

So Makoto went on and explained what we had discussed with Monokuma. After the most was explained, there was an announcement from Monokuma.

Monokuma: Ahhh, this is a school announcement. You've all probably figured this out by now, but... at this point, the killing game has now entered "True Ending" mode. So in the name of fairness, I will unlock every room in the school! Look wherever you want! Solve the mystery in whatever way you see fit! Phuhuhu... Then we can all meet up at the lass trial, okay? Gaahahahah! Ahahaha...!

Kyoko: How very magnanimous of him to unlock all the rooms. 

Byakuya: The time for talk is done. Now we need to begin our investigation.

Makoto: B-But...!

Byakuya: I was planning on working alone from the beginning anyway. At this point, I can rely only on myself, on the Togami blood flowing through my veins. I have no time to worry about the rest of you. Each of you must uphold your responsibility. Well then... 

I looked at the floor... I knew all I had to know about what happened, and I'm pretty sure Monokuma won't allow me to pitch in... But there something I need to go back and look for... One night when I was about to fall asleep. I felt something under the pillow, a notebook,  and when I opened it well... it was my dad's... I didn't have the courage to read it but... This is the last chance I'll ever have to discover it. Without saying a word I walked towards the door.

Celeste: Where are you going, Dear?

Athea: There's something I need to look for. 

I made my way to my dad's dorm room and retrieved the small notebook. When I opened it I was surprised to see that it was full of information about the past years that everyone forgot. 

I read through it, but around the equivalent of two months in... the texts were becoming more specific towards me... he talked about Kyoko, but it was way more about me and then the last thing he wrote. 

"It might be the last time I write in this, unfortunately, there are still no updates when it comes to Athea, she completely vanished. At first, it was missing classes and now she hasn't been in school for two full weeks. It appears she still is occupying her dorm room as multiple security guards have been posted there because of the riots, but since the tragedy, there hasn't been any news of her."

I thought it would be the last thing that would have been written, but no the last pages were even worse...


Whatever they told you it's not true... I don't know why you're doing this, but I know you're not yourself... You've come back at least, but you're different...  like a completely different person... because you smell of blood and death."

What did this mean...  did he know I would find this notebook... I went a little further in the notebook and saw that something else was written. 

"What have you done Athea..."

This was the last line of the book. After that there was simply... a fingerprint... it said it was his but it was in pink... for sure this wasn't pink ink but blood. 

I started at the uneven wall in front of me... I thought I knew most of everything that had happened... but even you know more than me... is there anything I can do really... 

I shook the thoughts away and stared at the small notebook... why was he keeping things about me and Kyoko anyway... it's not like he really cared... well... he did more than I want to admit, but I was pushing him away not wanting to be associated with him anymore... even without him I was already looked down on by the others.... except Kyoko... she never cared of how good I was... even if she's cold, she knows what word to tell me to feel better... she always did.

I sighed... though there wasn't a point in this anymore... I had moved on... even without the truth...

Kyoko: So you decided to come here. 

I screamed surprised by her sudden appearance and turned around.

Athea: Don't sneak up on me like this...

She did her signature smirk and walked over to the computer, but her eyes settled on the notebook, she frowned.

Kyoko: What is that? 

Athea: Nothing, it's just an empty notebook.

She didn't believe me but didn't push it... for now. I sat there looking at her investigate the room, mostly the computer. While she did so, I was simply repeating what I had read... I couldn't understand anything... and so here I sat for who knows how long... I knew who had killed Mukuro, it was obviously the mastermind and because I was "dead"... the only truth I could find is... what happened to me when I was in Hope's Peak...

A despairing memory (Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now