Chapter 48

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When the two were at Tom's home, Redd sat on the couch and let out a long sigh. It was so calm. He wondered how he had endured the city noise's before. "Shall I make us some tea?" Tom asked.

"Sure." A cup of tea would definitely calm Redd down a bit. The worry, that was buzzing in his head gave him a headache. He saw his father with that evil grin.

His stomach clenched in fear when he thought about seeing him again next week. What if he couldn't make that many bells in a week? What would happen to him then?

How often will his father ask him for money? He was almost broke now. Redd buried his face in his paws. Why does this shit have to happen to me ?! He felt like crying. He wished he could tell someone about his problem.

He wished he didn't have to lie to Tom all the time. He wished it all just stopped.
"Redd?" Tom's voice made Redd look up. The tanuki stood in front of the fox with two steaming cups and looked at him sadly.

He put the tea on the table and sat down next to him. "Tell me what's the matter with you," he said gently. "I can't bear to see you so sad." Guilt pierced Redd's heart.

He's so worried about me! What should I say now? If I say, that everything is okay, he won't believe me anymore. Damn it, I don't want to lie to him anymore! He fought the tears.

"Come on." Tom touched Redd's shoulder. "You can tell me." The fox hesitated and tried to find the right words. "I ... um ..." He took a deep breath. "You ... do you remember what I ... told you about my father?"

These words came out with difficulty. Tom's eyes went dark. "Yes," he said quietly. "He was pretty cruel to you when you were a kid." Redd nodded curtly. "It's been twenty years since I last saw him and ... I don't know, but I've been really stressed about it lately."

Tom looked at him sympathetically. "Actually, I should have got over it, as it was a long time ago," Redd continued with a sigh. "But to be honest, it still burdens me."
That wasn't entirely a lie, was it?

These mental wounds, that he suffered from his father, have not healed to this day. The only thing he had kept from Tom, was about the money. And that he actually met John again.

"Oh, Redd." The tanuki wrapped an arm around the fox and pulled him closer to him. "Why didn't you told me that?"
"I didn't mean to annoy you with my problems," Redd replied. Tom looked at him indignantly. "What are you talking about? You're not annoying me with that - on the contrary! I told you that you can talk to me about anything."

The fox sighed and leaned against his boyfriend. "I know. But ... I thought it wasn't important." Tom kissed Redd's cheek tenderly. "It is important when you are so depressed. And talking to someone about the problem always helps - instead of hiding it."

The tanuki smiled. "And you don't have to hide anything from me. I'm always there for you and listen to you, yes?" Redd nodded and snuggled close to him. "How lucky I am to have you, Nooky," he said quietly. "Without you, I would be lost."

Tom giggled. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving you. Never."
For sure? Even if you knew the whole truth?  Redd clutched the tanuki tightly and fought back the tears.

Definitely not. That would have been it then. He wouldn't give me another chance. Wouldn't have deserved it either. Tom lifted Redd's chin gently. He blinked sympathetically. "Don't look so sad. I miss your sweet smile."

Tom tapped his nose. "Smile for me!" The fox drooped his ears sadly. "I don't feel like smiling," he muttered. "I think I forgot how to do that." Tom grinned. "Maybe I can help you with that!"

He moved a little closer to him and began to tickle him. Redd winced, startled. A giggle slipped from him. "He-hey! Noooky!", He laughed." Stop ... t-that! "He tried to push his boyfriend away from him. "Please!"

"Look at that. You still can laugh," Tom teased. His fingers trailed to Redd's stomach. The fox wriggled laughing. "Eeek! Okay, okay!" He yelped hysterically. "That ... is enough ... now! I ca-can't anymore!"

Tom let go of him and grinned mischievously. "Did I manage to cheer you up?" Redd gasped in exhaustion. "Yes ... yes. But don't do that again!"
"As long as you are not sad anymore, I won't", the Tanuki said.

Redd looked offended. "You're mean." Tom raised an eyebrow. "Mean?" He repeated. "Is that mean?" He leaned forward and kissed the fox passionately.

A pleasant tingling sensation - which Redd hadn't felt in a while - ran through his body and made his heart beat faster. He returned the kiss and the electrifying feeling increased as Tom's arms wrapped around Redd's neck.

The tanuki pulled him onto his lap, their bodies snuggled together. All his fears and worries fell from his shoulders and he felt liberated. At the moment only Tom was important.

"Uncle Tom?"
Tom quickly pulled away from Redd, who in turn gave a low grumble. "Timmy?" The tanuki blinked in surprise when his nephew hesitated in the doorway. "W-why are you still awake? You should have been in bed long ago."

"I'm sorry that I bothered you, but ...", the little one began, but was interrupted by his uncle, who replied in panic: "N-no, no! You didn't bother us!" His face was bright red. Redd snorted in amusement.

"What's going on?" the Tanuki asked. "Did you had a bad dream, hm?" Timmy shook his head. "I can't sleep. I'm hungry." Tom let out a sigh. "Then get some food."
"But there is nothing!", Timmy whined and added a little more quietly: "At least nothing that I like."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Timmy, I will definitely not cook anything for you at this time. Take what we have."
"Aw, come on!" The little one lashed his tail, offended. "Really, Nooky. You can't just starve the poor kid!" Redd teased him.

"You're really a great uncle." Tom gave him a warning look, but then reluctantly stood up. "But then you'll go to sleep, yes?"

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