Chapter 1

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The sun was high on the clear blue sky and lured the Te Fiti residents outside. Lucifer also decided to go fishing today. Lately he has only been busy beautifying the island or collecting miles.

He needed a break from all the stress. After all, he lived on an island where he should relax and have fun, and not waste all day on work.

Lucifer was trotting past the resident services and saw Tom Nook at the open window, who was enjoying the cool wind which refreshed the hot summer day in between.

"This lazy tanuki never moves his butt and yet he whines that he would have so much stress," thought Lucifer annoyed. What does he do besides counting money and consuming one coffee after another? He doesn't contribute anything to the island!

He quickly pushed that thought away. He actually liked Tom very well, after all, he lets you pay off the loan whenever you want. There was no dead line. Even so, Tom was sometimes greedy for money. Bells, Bells, Bells! That is all he longs for.

Lucifer reached the beach and met Raymond, who was dozing under a palm tree. The gray cat looked up and adjusted his glasses. "Hello, Lucifer! Is your fishing desire driving you outside?" The redhead nodded.

"Yep. I thought I'll treat myself to it again." Raymond twitched his ears. "You deserve some time out too, you know. You're doing so much for Te Fiti after all."
"As the resident representative I have no other choice, right? See you!"

The cat waved goodbye and Lucifer trotted toward the large stone slab that protruded into the sea. He sat cross-legged and ejected the fishing rod. "Today I'm going to catch a shark, yes!" He insisted confidently.

He imagined Blather's stunned face when he showed up with such a giant fish in the museum. He would be amazed! The crystal clear water glittered in the sun and the rushing waves gently sloshed against the shore.

"Oh, what a life," Lucifer sighed. Several minutes passed before the fishing rod finally started to move. It bent down when the fish was on the hook and fighting for its freedom. Lucifer had to get up so that his catch could not escape.

"Woah, that must be a huge cattle!", He breathed, put his feet against the stone and pulled with all his strength. Finally he won the fight and fished the fish out of the sea. Drops of water splashed towards him and the violent jerk almost made Lucifer lose his balance.

The slippery sea creature landed in his hands. It was a sea bass. "Damn!" He growled disappointed as the fish fidgeted. "Always the same. I want something rare!" Lucifer packed the sea bass in a pouch filled with water and stowed it in his inventory.

"Then I have to sell you. No offense, buddy." He wanted to gave another try, but paused when he saw a broken, old ship heading for the island.

"Who is that?", Lucifer asked and followed the ship along the bank. It led him to a small beach hidden in the north. Lucifer lurked behind a fir tree and waited for the ship to stop.

When it finally came to a halt, a fox appeared a little later behind the tarpaulin and threw out the anchor. He was wearing a blue apron, had big pointed ears, a bushy tail, and narrowed eyes.

Lucifer approached the edge of the cliff curiously because the fox didn't look particularly dangerous to him.

"Hey!" He called before the stranger stepped back into his ship. The fox paused, cocked his head, and twitched his ears with interest. "Oh, who are you?"

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