Chapter 58

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"Tom!" He heard Redd's desperate call loud and clear, but kept walking without turning around once. Tom's steps got faster and faster until he finally ran. Why, Redd? Panting, he raced along the river bank. Why did you do that?

His house came into view. He yanked the door open angrily, hurried into his room and fell face first into his bed. Then he gave in to his grief and cried into his pillow. "That idiot," he sobbed. "Idiot, idiot, idiot!" Tom hit the mattress several times with his fist.

Why did I just believe that he has changed for the better? Why did he even come to this island? Why ... why did I have to fall in love with this bastard ?! He felt miserable. Like a teenager whose heart was broken for the first time.

"Pull yourself together, you weakling!" He growled. "You are an adult and no longer a child. Just ... s-stop ... crying!" But it only got worse. He couldn't remember the last time he cried so hard.

Or how long it had been since his heart had to endure such pain.
Tom didn't know how much time had passed when he suddenly heard the key click and the front door opened. His ears rose.

The boys! They shouldn't see me like that! He raised his face, which had gotten soaked from the tears - as had the pillow. His eyes felt puffy. "Uncle Tom! We're back!"

He quickly ran his paw over his tearful face. The door swung open and the two tanukis entered with shining eyes. "You don't believe what happened today!", Timmy began excitedly. "Lucifer has ..."

He paused. His bright face became a concern. "Uncle Tom? Are you okay?"
"Did you ... cry?" Tommy added. Tom sniffed and tried to smile, but failed.

"Oh, boys..." His voice was thick and sorrowful. "You shouldn't see me in this state." The twins exchanged fearful looks. "What happened?", Timmy asked carefully. Tom took a shaky breath.

"Redd has ... he has ..." Again tears gathered in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. "Redd lied to me ... stole from me ... and hurt me very much ..." he explained bitterly. "Again ..." Tommy gasped in horror.

"B-but ... I thought Uncle Redd loves you!" Tom blinked sadly. "Apparently he was just faking it." Sobbing he buried his face in his paws, couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Why ... did it have to come like this?" The Tanuki whispered. Timmy and Tommy sat down next to him on the bed and hugged him on both sides. "Is there anything we can do for you?" Tommy asked, looking up at him.

"Shall we get Isabelle?"
"Or Sable?"
"Or Blathers?
"Or maybe Luc-"
"No, no," Tom interrupted. "It's okay, I have you guys."

The boys smiled happily. "We're here for you, Uncle Tom!" Timmy promised. "You always comfort us when we are not feeling well," Tommy added. "Now it's our turn." Tom's heart grew warm. He was really lucky to have such wonderful nephews.

"I love you two with all my heart," he said gently. "What would I do without you?" The little tanukis giggled and snuggled close to him. "We love you too, Uncle Tom!"


A familiar scent that made his heart beat faster woke Tom from his sleep. Something soft tickled his nose and when he opened his eyes he saw a fox tail gently stroking his face. What...?

"Hey, sleepyhead! You're finally awake." Tom's fur bristled with shock. This voice.
"Redd ...?" He slowly raised his head and spotted Redd, who was lying next to him on the bed with his typical, cheeky grin.

"Good morning, Nooky!" Tom stared at the fox in confusion. "What ... why are you here?" He stammered. "Wha-what's going on here ?!" Redd eyed him curiously and then giggled. "What are you talking about?" He asked, amused.

"You are not fully awake yet, huh?" The tanuki didn't understand anything anymore. "We ... we had a big fight yesterday!", Tom explained to him. "You stole half a million bells! And ... and you served me a bunch of lies!"

Redd stared at him in disbelief. "What should I have done ?!"
"Are you kidding me?! Y-you broke my heart!" Tom whimpered. Tears ran down his cheeks. "Tom? Hey, Tom!"

The fox straightened up and looked at him worriedly. "Calm down!" He hugged the tanuki tightly and gently stroked his back. Tom didn't resist this loving hug, but buried his face in Redd's shoulder and cried bitterly.

"Sshh, everything is fine, darling," the fox whispered. "You only had a nightmare." Tom caught his breath. Could it be? Was it all just ... a dream?  Redd broke away from the embrace and brushed the tears from his boyfriend's face.

"Listen," he began seriously. "I would never break your heart, okay?" Tom sobbed. "Never...?"
"Never." The tanuki snuggled close to him. Everthing is fine. It was just a bad nightmare. He breathed in Redd's pleasant scent and gradually calmed down.

"Redd ..." he muttered. Tom blinked his eyes open and realized that he was hugging a pillow. He jumped up with a jerk. "How...what ?!" Tom sat in his bed, alone. "But ..." He realized painfully that this was just a dream.

Sadness overwhelmed him, who felt as if he were being weighed down by a pile of stones. The pillow he was still clinging to had Redd's scent since he slept here last night.

"Go away!" Tom hissed and threw the pillow angrily on the floor. He glanced at his alarm clock, which read 5:17 am. Apparently he slept for a while. In two hours he had to make his way to the resident services.

Tom groaned listlessly. After this dream he would not be able to sleep any more.

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