Chapter 19

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Gigantic waves clapped against the rickety boat with full force and made it rock wildly. It leaned from side to side and threatened to overturn at any moment. Redd sat in bed with a pounding heart, sweaty paws and bristling fur, and was paralyzed with fear.

"Don't panic! Everything will be fine," he said to himself. But as soon as he heard the rumble of thunder, the dangerous mass of water or the howling wind, his fear rose to infinity. "It's just a storm. Pull yourself together!"

Uncomfortably, he glanced out the window and was shocked to find that the treasure trawler must have been ten meters - or even more - away from the bank. "Oh no, no, no, no!" By that fact, Redd jumped up, freed himself from his rigidity, and stormed down to where the steering wheel was.

He had to hold on to the walls, otherwise he would have been thrown to the ground by the swaying. He almost reached the wheel, but at that very moment a huge wave billowed up and hit the boat.

Redd's heart skipped when water pooled on the deck and rose higher and higher in a few seconds. Redd's throat tightened. "Shit!" He cursed when the water was already entering the control room. "Please don't!" He tripped over a chair, fell, and crawled almost on all fours toward the steering wheel.

He had finally reached it and clung to it desperately. Redd tried to steer the boat in the right direction, but he didn't even know where he was anymore. Outside he saw only black waves, rain and the dark, cloud-covered sky.

He had lost his way. The water licked his legs and was now down to his knees. Redd lost his nerve. He had to leave the boat. But then he would be helpless in the storm and the island was too far away for anyone to see and save him.

But the biggest problem was, that he couldn't even swim. He had never learned it. I'm going to drown! There was a bang outside the room. It sounded like a piece of furniture that must have just overturned.

The water could not be stopped, the rocking did not let up and Redd gradually became dizzy. He waded towards the door, panting with the effort, trying to keep his balance. He had to get out safely and somehow reach the island, otherwise ...

He turned the knob and tried to push the door, but it didn't open. Redd's blood froze to ice. It was probably the dresser that had overturned in the flood and was now blocking the door.

The water sloshed over Redd's hips. "I'm trapped!" He screeched and threw himself against the door with all his might, but it didn't give in, didn't move an inch. "Help!" Redd yelled as loudly as his lungs would allow.

But who would hear him? "Help me!" He was in the middle of the sea, too far away from Te Fiti. "Anyone!" Nobody will save him because nobody knows that his life was in danger. Desperately, he scratched the door with his claws until his paws were bloody.

There were deep grooves in the wood, covered with blood stains. Redd had no more strength. I'm going to die. Tears gathered in his eyes and he wished he could see Tom one last time.

His heart contracted painfully when he thought of his pretty, sapphire blue eyes.
Suddenly the treasure trawler tilted backwards and Redd was thrown against the wall. The back of his head thumped against it.

The world turned. He barely felt the pain as the darkness engulfed him. He fought stubbornly against it. "I can't ... give up now!" He crawled to a table and pulled himself up with the last of his strength.

Here he would live a few minutes longer before the water reached him. He lay limp on the table, his head throbbing and buzzing like a wasp's nest. Redd couldn't stay conscious anymore, he just couldn't.

"Tom," he croaked. "Help me."

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