Chapter 30

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Tom's fur bristled shocking. Tommy poked his brother in the ribs with his elbow. "Timmy! You can't just ask that!"
"Why not? You want to know too!" Timmy turned back to his uncle.

"So?" Tom tore himself out of his daze and hastily replied: "No, of course not! No, no, no, no!" The twins exchanged meaningful looks. "So many no's," Tommy said. "Very suspicious." Timmy eyed him with a grin.

Tom felt his face flush. Why do i feel so strange? I don't feel anything for Redd anymore! What we had ... that's over. He got up. "Now sleep, you two." Tommy giggled. "He's distracting!"
"Extremely suspicious!" Tom rolled his eyes.

"Very funny." He moved away from the bed. "Good night, boys."
"Good night, uncle Tom." The tanuki turned off the light and left the room. He leaned against the wall with a sigh and longed for sleep.

But first he wanted to check on Redd. Tom stepped silently into his bedroom and saw Redd in his bed, who was sound asleep. He walked up to him and looked at the slumbering fox for a while.

He put a paw on his forehead and was relieved to see, that his fever was now completely gone. His paw slowly ran through his fluffy, red fur, up to his head, where he could feel a small scar that reminded of the wound.

Suddenly Redd's ears twitched and Tom quickly withdrew his hand. The fox looked up sleepily. "Tom ...?" He muttered confused. "What's wrong?" The tanuki avoided his gaze in shame. "Uh ... I just wanted to see if ... you were asleep."

"Not anymore," Redd replied and yawned. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."
"Never mind." Tired, he snuggled back into his pillow and pulled the covers up to his nose. Tom didn't like to admit it, but he looked damn cute.

The fox smiled. "Do you want to stand here all night?" The tanuki tore himself out of his thoughts. "N-No, not really." His tail twitched restlessly. Redd noticed this. "Why are you so nervous?"
"I'm not."
"You are."
He bit his lip. Calm down, Tom! What's wrong with you?!
Tom turned away and walked quickly to the door. "G-good night, Redd."
"Night, Nooky."


"Redd? Are you awake?" Tom stood in front of the bedroom door and listened. Today he had to work again. He had overslept and should have left long ago. But before he made the way to the resident services, he had to hand something important to Redd.

Tom waited impatiently for an answer. "Redd?" He repeated now much louder. Is he still sleeping? He stepped into the room and found that he was actually asleep. Almost all of his body was covered by the blanket. Only his ears peeked out.

Tom gently shook the fox awake. Redd raised his head, grumbling. "Ugh... Why are you waking me up?" He yawned. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to work now," the tanuki replied. Redd looked at him sadly.

"When are you coming back?"
"At 8 pm. The boys too." The fox stared at him. "But...then I'll be alone all day!" Tom blinked at him sympathetically. "I know, but you will survive this."

The tanuki reached into his pocket and pulled out a nookphone. "Here." He handed it to him. "If you are not feeling well, or if there is any other problem, just give me a call. And if for some reason you cannot contact me, you can call Isabelle too, understand?"

Redd looked at Tom in surprise. "I thought your phone was destroyed?"
"Got me a new one." He reached into his left pocket and showed him his own nookphone. "And this one is for you." Redd wagged his tail in delight. "Thanks, Nooky."

The tanuki glanced at his watch. "I have to go now," he said. "See you later." No sooner had he turned around, he felt Redd grab his arm sleeve.

"No, don't go!" He whined. "Stay with me." Tom sighed. "I'll be back in the evening. Time will pass faster than you think."
"But I don't want to be alone. At least stay here today!" The tanuki rolled his eyes.

Like a child, he thought, but found his behavior kind of cute. He was holding Redd's paw. "As I said, you can always call me. So you don't have to worry." Redd eyed him, then nodded. "Okay..."

Tom smiled and let go of his hand. "See you later."
"Yeah, see ya," the fox muttered. The tanuki went out of the room, hurried down the stairs and left the house. Redd will be fine. He looked back.

I hope so...

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