pg. 3

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The slight humming of a machine sliced into my semi drowsy state.

The dark sleeping cell smelled unfamiliar, foreign, and laced with the sweat of others from long ago.

A moan slowly slipped past my lips. My headache seemed to have completely subsided thank the great ilsh. The side effects are no longer there from the surge at all. Except for the horrible tick my jaw has now even after a full cycle of sleep. But that should be easy to fix though since I am already within the ship now.

Yesterdays plight of having forgotten that I am no longer in the flat dry arid land that I once resided from.. My subsequent desperate pounding heart and wild mind pushing my body in a frantic rush to get to the ship.

It was all unnecessary, much to my later amusement.

The oceanside's dawn was swiftly covered by white hazy clouds and a soft rolling fog blanketed the landscape. The air was pleasantly humid....damp with a scattered sprinkle of rain and the clouds cut down the ferocity of the sun some.

Wet dew drops formed over my mucous covered skin. Slowly the newly re condensed water disappeared as it was absorbed into my skin to replenish the inevitable epidermal water loss from the intense invisible rays that were not obscured by the clouds.

The ships location was nestled in one of the few places native flora was allowed to grow more wildly. Rather than between the rows of the artificially orderly flora from the rest of the desolate stone city.

The dull colored dwellings seemed to sap the planet of its lush vibrancy in the very beginning with its presence.

Now they stand derelict, with nothing to tend to them. Spots of green growth patched here and there.

In the visible light of the day cycle the planet looks a bit different, of course, with splashes of intense color dotting greenish foliage. A set of different critters scurry with intense fervor for survival than the night creatures I am familiar with.

Though I did well within the morning conditions of the region I was unwilling to tempt fate by delaying if somehow my skin became compromised and unable to regenerate itself. So I did not explore my surroundings any further.

The ships entrance hid within plain sight. Without the bio receiver, it would have been easy to pass by unaware if you did not know what you are looking for.

The bio matter that camouflaged it gently illuminated with lights hidden behind its greenish pigment alerted from my presence. I waited in front of it panting, wanting to be recognized.

Finally the door hissed pressurized air and the joints creaked open. Inside there was no light or motion detected.

My heighten state crumbled at the sight of safety.

When the door closed behind me, lights softly illuminated the passage way. Going past the first floor would have been difficult. Rest was the only thing I could do at that moment.

I was already heavily weakened, exhausted, and battered. I didn't make it past a couple of steps without collapsing, crawling and clawing my way down the corridor till I had sufficient strength to walk again.

Afterwards looking for a place to restore my strength I chose the closest quarters.

Now since awakening, at the very least, I am rested and no longer exhausted. I left my cocoon splattered messily on the floor of the sleeping cell.

Outside the room I walked out to the hallway aware that my skin felt gritty with filth.

A slow chime echoed in the deserted space announcing my lone presence.

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