pg. 5

310 14 3

[Speeding along the single lane highway]

"Switching to alternate power, kiddos! it will smooth out the ride!" Logan shouted over the intercom' s speakers, her loud voice sounding gritty.

The rumbling engine died down to a steady purr blending in with the sound of the tires speeding over the asphalt. The chaotic trembling of the seat smoothed out to a slight wave as we traveled over the road.

We have been gaining distance from who ever was in hot pursuit for a long while now.

The plume of dust kept getting smaller and smaller in the horizon as we left them behind.

I sighed in relief, my shoulders relaxing.

We had finally outran them.

" Fucken Shit!!! To the left, to the left..... Fire!!!!" The panicked voice of Logan screamed a second later.

I swiveled to the left, shock prickling up as goosebumps raised all over my body.

Machines hovered haphazardly over the landscape like drunk flying fish as I took a moment to watch them moving over small mounds of blonde sand.

They had split into two groups, the one behind us and the one who had gone around to cut us off. We didn't expect this at all, they had flushed us out into an ambush.(@minipurse)

Pulling the handles toward me the large barrel whirls to life. The glass dome lights up with a round bullseye guiding my eye toward the trajectory of the bullets.

Aiming to the nearest enemy I squeeze the right handle, steadying my arms as much as possible. The barrel heats up red hot as it begins spitting out bullets.

Sand explodes around the hovering machine. The driver swerves and titters- slowing down then accelerating again.

Shit.... I don't think I even hit the stupid machine.

It closed in on the truck at a break neck speed almost hitting us.

A fireball launched itself somewhere from the back of the trailer smacking into the vehicle. My mouth gaped open in surprise before I heard the deafening crack of the launcher firing, spooking me in my seat.

Like a grenade it exploded on contact. The vehicle burst into flames and it crashed into the ground, raining sand everywhere. The occupants screamed in terror as they violently burned.

More enemies careened closer to us passing the wreckage.

Tearing my morbid curiosity from the scene being left behind I maneuvered the barrel toward the pursuers. My focus pivoting to the oncoming wave of hovering machines.

The gun barrel whirled again as I began firing indiscriminately.

Sand pelted the sides of the trailer and the vehicles getting closer. The clink of the bullets ricocheting off the enemy was the only sound I could hear. It muffled everything around me as I concentrated on them.

Sweat beaded on my brow.

In slow motion I saw as a bullet sliced into the interior of one vehicle.

Blood splattered, covering its victims in red and the machine jerked forward accelerating wildly hitting another next to it. It flipped- toppling itself over the other. They both crashed into a small sandy embankment, stray parts shredding over the ground as they flew loose from the crash site.

Fireballs exploded around us, randomly littering the landscape in the immediate vicinity.

Leaving behind a minefield of burning obstacles as we retreat.

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