
417 16 1

3 months

3 Goddamn effing months

Well almost 4 months

Not only did I lose a chunk of time that I will never get back but I think I lost my sanity.

My eyes water and my heart hurts everytime I think of my alien kidnapper.

I woke up the day I came back to Junior peeling one of my eyelids away from one of my eyeballs.

Blinding and confusing me so much that it hurt my brain trying to process what was happening at that moment.

" A..R...E YOU A...L..I....V....E?! Blink once for yes" Junior breathed into my face.

" let go, dumbass" I mumble swatting his arm away.

The morning sun burned my tired eyes into tiny squinted lines.

" woah...hey, Joseph. How did you know she'd be back?" as he continued to jab at my sleepy body.

He slowly came into focus, his devilish smile caused me to immediately eye him suspiciously.

" you have better not of wet your fingers to give me a wet willy cause yo..."

I shriek in disgust as he shoved a wet finger into my ear without any warning.

" YOU ARE SoOO DEAD, urgggehhh!!" I should have known his, pain in the ass, first instinct would be to harass me.

He flashed a grin back at me while running away so fast, it kind of impressed me funnily enough.

" I don't think you should move so much sage. I can tell that you're naked" The soft firm voice of ruth noted, she crouched beside me.

"Oooohh" I had completely forgotten for a split second because I was so furious and ready to pull Juniors ear into oblivion. I could feel my entire face flush hot with embarrassment with the realization of my near indecent slip.

" please, help me?" Looking up at her otherwise calm face.

" Sure" Ruth replied as she scooped up a small fur bundle on the ground right next to me.

She helped hold my sheet and fur blanket as I staggered to my feet. "Its best if we get inside quickly we don't know who might be watching" I say as we both study each other.

Joseph stood behind me hoovering with a worried expression on his face. I caught a glimpse of him when I shuffled to the side trying to avoid the walls of the place we call home .

The entrance to the bunker gaped open to a small concrete hallway that seemed to go on forever into the earth. Ruth closed each of the open doors as we passed through the compound. She made sure to lock each one carefully. We stopped at the end of a dingy hall, greeted by a rusting large blast door. (@minipurse)

The metal and concrete door squealed as she pulled it open.

The peeling black and yellow paint crumbling with age dusted the floor right where the door swings open. Inside the light flickered precariously and only feebly shined light into a small dark yellow area around itself.

The cold floor seeped its way into my bones chilling my senses.

The large open area we walked into hinted at the soft shadows of chairs I meticulously arranged into a small maze. Only we know what exactly to look for and how to get there. Any other outsider would have to either take the time to either destroy it completely or get lost without end.

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