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🌠🌲🎉 Happy holidays to all!! Another year has come and gone. Be blessed in whatever path of life you find yourself in..

I awoke abruptly from a particularly listless dream, that I could not remember, in a small dark unfamiliar sleeping chamber.

My brows crinkled in anger, as my brain began the process of decifering the few memories I could hazily remember.

N.I.C.K.A ought to have 'graciously' determined that I may reunite myself to this dimension of the living after my violent outburst. Her capability to further throw my life again into another recess of purgatory is ever present.

My consciousness had ebbed to and fro from unconsciousness as the poison coursed through my veins.

Frequently my memory fragmented into small snippets of moments around me.

In one brief moment of clear consciousness, my body shifted awkwardly into different changing angles and my vision rolled in different directions decidedly unfocused. The opaque film obscuring my eyes soon fell away as I spied a chirping miniature crebra on my shoulder that flicked its small pointed ears and lazily bit into one of its forelimbs in a display of artificial grooming.

The healing bay drone replicated many of the behavioral characteristics of the real animal as I fixated on it and I let amusement cloud my addled brain as the last thing to cross my sight was a passing door behind it.

Sifting through other rising memories, there were again, instances of tiny unfocused shapes and the semi conscious awareness of small touches maneuvering my physical being.

My temporal artery began to throb in beat with my pulse..pain radiating feverishly along my cranium as intense concentration proves to be too much for my newly weakened body.

N.I.C.K.A has, rightfully so, utilized the miniature work force of the healing bay to her behest.

My anger cooled swiftly with understanding.

They had diligently taken care of me in my vulnerable state cleaning, transporting, and repositioning me.

As the initial surge of poison gradually neutralized through
metabolizing cellular functions, the need for intervention from N.I.C.K.A was for naught.

She administered the long acting paralyzing agent on me, I hope, this singular time while in the troughs of my altered emotional state which I am grateful.

Leaving me in the care of the drones.


It has come to my utmost attention that I am now a fully fledged progenitor of a new budding genus. Although I grin ruefully about the method of such a conception. I am worried about the reaction that it will garner once she notices that she is swelling with a brood or mayhap multiple broods.

" High commander?" N.I.C.K.A hesitantly prodded.

" yessss?" Hissing my reply, annoyed at the incessant demand for the completion of relegated tasks.

Guilt flooded immediately afterwards for such an unprovoked foul mood. I greatly recognize my own personal failure to adhere to acceptable methods of conduct so I patiently wait for her to finish.

" At 00:01:35:56 planetary time movement was detected outside the ship. Reporting: minor damage to the Entrance. Assailant(s) have been identified through the acquisition of mucous and epidermal cells recovered"

I am perplexed at the sudden notification of others near the ship.

" Confirm current time" pressing N.I.C.K.A for more information while I slowly release myself from my frail and hastily patched cocoon.

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