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As I lay, facing upward to the sky, my breath comes out ragged and my mind becomes an empty blank slate.

Grey clouds fill the heavens obscuring the stars and moon behind them.

The normally sapphire blue sky is tinted a bright lavender color.

A beautiful sight.......

Slowly my head drifts to the side as I silently bleed onto the ground, there is a wound somewhere deep enough that its impeding efficient mucous production. My body is desperately trying to plug the torrent but the other parts are freely bleeding in neglect, making for all around unsuccessful scenario.

Strength has promptly left the vicinity- cruelly evading me.

The tingle of open wounds makes my body shudder in pain.

Muscles contract in an attempt to keep my body warm, the life blood that kept me at the optimal heat range for metabolic processes must be seeping faster than I thought.

Naturally a bright cream figure attracts my eyes and I focus ever so slightly, willing to be Distracted.

The ursus rests slumped over on the ground unmoving some feet away.

The darkness is blacker and the cream color brighter in contrast with each other in the still background, the light concentrated- reflecting out from the pale fur.

The wind jostles the leaves below. The crinkling becoming a song as it pushes through the layers of fallen foliage.

It does not stir. It is does not even breathe.

Tiny scratching sounds faintly echo inside my pack.

The two healing drones must be frantic, aware of the battle ending.

They must know I am mortally wounded.(@minipurse)

They will have to burst out of the holding pouch on their own.

I can not help them or myself.

Buzzing erupts loudly and the pack shakes violently. The smell of burnt hide perforates the wind wafting past me.

I see no more...Darkness lays thickly over my eyes.

A blurry blue light hazily comes closer becoming brighter.

"Processing new executive functions"

"Administering Emergency First aid"

Hot searing pain pricked seemingly everywhere.

" Aaaaruuughhh" I scream out thrashing violently, arching my back.

" Hold still. Debridement of foreign matter.......
Liquid stem cell suturing...
Closing Hemorrhaging wound...... Incompetent mucous barrier...
Bio identical mucous bandage..."

One of them pierces directly into my neck.

" Blocking pain receptors.....
Manufacturing Artificial blood serum..
Misting Topical Bacteriophage solution....... "

The high pitch chattering of the drones becomes softer.

The world tilts and swirls around me.

A sensation of floating grabs a hold.

Time feels like its flying away..... Arbitrary to my existence.

There is nothing, just a void.


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