pg 3.

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Hey! no more birthing scenes here. Just a regular page😗.

"How are you feeling, beloved?" My hand offering sustenance.

The thick liquid in the smaller vessel rippling from the movement.

She took the vessel slowly, her eyes clear." I'm doing much better, thanks"

The room hung heavy with nervous energy. Gosf tried to not make any eye contact hence, hiding and eating his food in a secretive manner.

We ate together in silence.

The chamber echoing the sentiment by amplifying the sensitive sounds of shifting bodies and the mastication of food.

I had awoken earlier than my beloved. Cleaning the chamber and hunting a fresh meal.

The preserved provisions available in the lair used as added garnishment to laiden the broth both heartier and more nutrient dense.

I ate more than usual as well.

My eyes shifting frequently to my broodling pouch, elated for the new life that will be flourishing in the future.

She stared unabashedly at me, her vessel empty of food.

"I didn't want to say it like this but how am I understanding you?"

Is she ready for all the answers to the questions she is asking? My brows creasing with concern.

" why did I get pregnant? What will happen to the baby!?"

Her voice becoming shrill and filled with panic. The rapid fire of words overwhelming.

Which one should I answer first, the dilemma frot with complexity.

Maybe the simplest one should go first and the most difficult last.

" I am not ready to be a mom! How will I know how to take care of it and feed it?! How will I be able to travel with a small egg baby and protect it!"

Her chest heaving now, liquid running down her small cheeks.

"I...I am being selfish ain't I?"

" No. All your questions are reasonable in nature to ask" My voice cutting through her panic.

" Look at me" Her shining eyes moving to me, focusing on my eyes.

" I am the father. I am also responsible." Gripping her hands gently, breaking the invisible wall between us.

"Let me preface this and begin" closing my eyes, dreading the words to come next."I will not darken your doorstep nor will I force this new life upon you if you do not want it. This broodling won't be fully fledged until the planet's summer equinox. The gestation calculated is not for several moon cycles. Your reply is not needed until then. Time is in your favor"

She quieted, stunned at my response. Wetness clinging to her small eyelid hairs.

" There is a translator in the room helping to facilitate the language exchange" pointing at the forgotten black box sitting close to the wall, opposite of us.

" As to the phenomenon of your impregnation. It was and is accidental...."

The terms simplified in my explanation for her and Gosf about my injection series and the terms of my fertility and compatibility to her species as it is now..

I felt my heart pound in shame and apprehension as I retold them the sequence of events after discovering she was gravid by sheer chance.

Amending several circumstances that may not have been suitable for this youngling's ears along the way. Dually noting mentally to return to the circumstances to elaborate later.

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