pg 2

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I slowed my pace as a soft yellow light cut through the darkness of the surrounding landscape like a beacon. She must be there.

The surrounding area might be hiding the moving nest so it is best I exercise caution when getting close.

I trot behind some buildings, climbing on top of one that would give me the best vantage point. It took a little work to get up the smooth rock sides to the flat roof.

I had chosen well as I looked over to the small metal vehicle they must be in that is illuminated by the light. The metal sheets and chains covering it protect the glass underneath.

In the distance, past my mates holding, I see the heads of many peaking around in the darkness. They must have heard the scream as well, its only logical that they would come to investigate. How to lure them away? My claws tap against the hard stone as I think.

I am bigger than most but up against an entire nest it is foolhardy to say I can possibly win with those odds stacked against me.

I can not wait if they discover them in the metal machine, it must be prevented from happening or it will be too late to save them otherwise.

There is a human settlement east of this location. I could let it slip to one of the outliers that there is food more interesting that way. The information would ripple through the group at a fast pace. That is a good and bad thing to take advantage of, the biggest risk is the group turning on me.

I need a plan b just in case, I look around closer to me from alley to alley, roof top to roof top. Most of the surrounding roofs are triangular, and have nothing really to offer besides some leaves and some white stuff painted on to it.

An adjacent roof top very close to me takes my interest as I inspect it closer. A shiny object gleams in the faint light but my eyes can pick it up with ease at this distance.

Leaping over to the the other roof proves to be quite easy and I do so silently. The object turns out to be round and deep, perfect for what it will be intended to do. The stuff surrounding it is useless as far as I can tell.

But just in case I rummaged around lightly to see if there are other objects that may be useful.

Another smaller round metal object clatters to the ground with some metal looking tools inside as I searched in between soft rags of clothing that stunk of putrid water.

It could be useful as well for something else.

The wheels in my head start turning faster. I've got a better plan forming that just might work.

Returning to my original spot I look around. The nest is progressing slowly toward the spot where the group is hiding making sure to search every nook and cranny, it looks like.

The indigenous species that my female is apart of are infamous among my kind for their ingenuity and persistence. So great care must be taken when flushing them out. It will take them a while to get here.

My plan is not very pleasant but it should work. Starting with phase 1: hiding their scent completely.

I leap down from my perch and slowly slink my way to the light post. With the metal tidings in my hand I leave the small metal container and the tools inside beside a close building to come back for them later.

I position the deep metal container in front of me and wait for nature to do the rest.

A few moments later the soft tinkle of liquid hitting the metal container stopped as my organ finally empties out.

I carefully grab the container by the sides, slowly I walk over to the metal machine they are in. I stay right outside the direct light, avoiding it and determined to stay in the soft halo of indirect light.

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