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Ruth's head wobbled and rolled on Logan's arm. She breathed hard and snorted a couple times, her mouth wide open in deep sleep.

Junior coughed several times, a barely contained smirk concealed on his otherwise serious face. I roll my eyes.

The other four guides with us gave my brother a dirty look of disgust as they turned his way. Their eyes twitching with disdain.

With a small sharp shove of my shoulder, his body curled forward. His mouth opened and silently mouthed 'owwwe' with eyebrows wrinkled in pain. I opened my eyes as big as possible trying to bulge out warning eyes as I passed him, signaling with my face the seriousness of our situation.

The elevator we huddled into swirled a soft grey color over its interior and solid cream colored buttons lined the wall. The calming colors looking suspiciously intent on keeping its guests relaxed, making me feel on edge instead.

Music filtered from an unseen speaker above, the songs playing century old tunes from some long dead famous singers of the past.

I came closer to my sister's head, deciding whether or not to undo the rats nest she had going on right there in the elevator.

I didn't, the tiny face of Skylar's perplexed had me staring instead. My eyes traced where her eyes focused on, jumping back and forth from the panel to her.

Skylar's face grew more and more surprised as the number on the screen grew smaller. Her eyebrow flew up her small forehead, creasing the skin near the hairline.

A small chime and the elevator stopped softly, a single capitol p showing on the panel.

The doors open automatically to a long empty hallway.

The guides stepped out of the elevator in a hurry, Leaving us behind without a word. (@minipurse)

Logan trooped out after them and the rest of us followed, stepping into an old world we haven't seen a few years shy of a decade.

The walls gleamed with spotless glass panels. The lights covered with sparkling orbs of crystal.

Light reflected off every surface, the entire spectrum of colors dancing in front of our eyes.

It felt like the modern world of the past had came back to life once again.

Glamour replaced the grimy reality of the outside world. Not a spec of dirt or dust lingered anywhere on any surface. An artificial order that humans have always obssessively strived to force on the world in full display materialized, conquering the messy and nonsensical chaotic natural world.

Our shabby appearance accosted our eyes as we reflected off the ordained domestication of this artifical environment.

We had become the primitive guests in a modern space, devolved from cleaniness and structure. I felt uneasy shame, noticing the grime underneath my fingernails and the stains allover my clothes.

We have no choice.

We either survive in any way we can or die trying, looks be damned.

The group stopped at the end of the hall way a dinging sound coming from the wall.

A door glided open and they parted away from the new entrance.

Sheepishly we walk past them, also unsure of what this all meant.

The room inside was sprawling and luxuriously simple. I could feel my eyes bugging out of my head.

" Wow" Junior breathed as he turned around in a full circle appreciating the scope of the room.

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