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[One and half months before the birth]

From one day to another the small pooch I was hiding suddenly turned into a popped out belly.

Shit, I don't know how much longer I can keep hiding it successfully. I wore my biggest baggiest shirt possible and I still felt self conscious.

I managed to convince Logan to stay here for as long as we have because of the weird necklace and ring both Logan and Ruth have been having trouble removing.

The ominous blinking lights from the objects didn't inspire any confidence for both of their safety.

People had enlisted themselves from the compound to see if they could help but only two remained since then.

Holding out the hope that they could figure it out.

A blacksmith and a chemist have been hovering especially, fascinated by the compound alloys and intricate sensors embedded.

Debating between themselves and Logan about the schematics of such an elegant creation.

Secretly, while everybody has been hovering over them.

I had taken the opportunity to hang around the midwife Angela.

Disappearing most days by myself, leaving my siblings in the care of Skylar.

Gabriella has been nothing but amused at the situation.

Giving me subtle raised eyebrows whenever she saw me.

Man, if I could I would fight her for teasing me, really I would.

But realistically I am pregnant and sensitive, and she wouldn't touch me with a 10 foot pole right now.

Angela, on the other hand, has been nothing but smiles excited to see a growing belly and taking any chance she could to offer me some advice or a checkup.

She even gave me permission to borrow some of her baby books. I couldn't take a lot of them to the trailer though. They all looked suspicious with a big fetus plastered everywhere or a big pregnant belly pictured in front.

I could only take the generic ones back and they have been helpful anyways.

As I went through various pages reading the symptoms and the biology of the human body. I could only ask myself how did this happen? Why? (@minipurse)

I literally had no symptoms of a pregnancy so far.

Even in the most basic sense my pregnancy should be impossible.

" Sage, you know you are the only pregnant woman I have seen in a year?" Angela gushed.

Angela told me a little about herself as we got to know each other mutually.

Angela had been a midwife for about 10 years and loved babies dearly. She says she always knew she wanted to help pregnant women and their babies since she was a kid.

I told her how we managed to survive after the invasion in the beginning...The death of our parents and the disappearance of my mom. Angela was super sympathetic and it made me tear up.

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