Part 2

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Hizashi's POV

I wake up to a loud noise of what sounds like pots and pans falling onto the floor it makes me jump I run down the stairs like my life depends on it to see what all the commotion was about I was greeted with my mums face she looked apologetic I and she said she didn't mean to wake me up

"hizashi you know what today is right?" My mother says with excitement in her voice, what's today?... "ITS MY FIRST DAY AT UA!" "Yes hizashi maybe try not to be so loud it's no wonder you're going deaf" I mean she isn't wrong I am going deaf but what if the school find out and kick me out , I can't have that , I think my mum could tell what I was thinking because she gently grabbed my shoulder "honey it's okay they can't kick you out" I mean what if she's wrong I decide not to argue though "yeah I guess" I say I go back upstairs to get ready for the day

I can't wait to make loads of new friends! I mean no one from my old school is going so it's like a new start! Ah I'm so excited, I quickly get into my uniform and admire myself in the mirror my mum walks up behind me "aw my little baby is all grown up" she said in a fake sad voice "mummmmm I'm not a baby anymore" "okay okay now hurry before you miss the bus" oh shit yeah "BYE MUM LOVE YOU" "YAMANDA DONT BE SO LOUD" I hear my neighbour yell out the window as I run down the street

The bus comes quickly which I'm happy about at least I don't have to wait , I plug my headphones into my phone and listen to music and look out the window most of the journey until a frail looking short boy with black hair says something to me that I don't understand because I had my headphones in so I take them out "can I sit there" he said pointing to the seat next to me I beamed at this , a new friend "yes! Sure!" He looks really fragile and scared hmm I wonder why?

"Sooo what's your name?" I ask him "oh uh my name is shok- uh I mean shota yeah shota aizawa" okay that's a bit weird but it's alright "That's such a cool name! My name is hizashi Yamada!!" He looks at me for a second then looks down , what it up with him maybe I should ask him! "Hey shota are you ok?" I ask him , he looks back up at me "call me aizawa and yes I'm fine" it comes of cold and harsh I figure I shouldn't press him on it so I go back to listen to my music

Shota's POV
As I get on the bus I notice there are no other seats other than next to a kid who looks like the literal sun I guess I'll have to ask him , ahhh but I'm too socially awkward well I kinda have to ask but he looks busy "uhh can I sit here" he looks at me with a face of confusion then takes his headphones off "can I sit there?" I repeat but this time pointing at the seat , his face literally lights up "yeah! Sure!" He replies with

I can feel his eyes on me like they're burning a whole in the side of my head I hope he hasn't figured out I'm trans he'll probably hate me , wait why do I care it's not as if we are friends or anything why do I care so much

"Sooo what's your name?" Oh fuck wait uhh what do I say "oh uh my name is shok- I mean shota yeah shota aizawa" fuck fuck fuck I almost said my birthname I really hope he doesn't notice fuck what if he does his words pull me out of my trance "that's such a cool name! My name is hizashi yamada!" Hm his name is pretty cute wait am I starring at him oh fuck look down

"Hey shota are you ok?" Okay first of all why did he call me shota I'm not his friend second of no , no I'm not ok but I'm not going to tell a stranger that oh wait I actually have to answer , I look up at him "call me aizawa and yes I'm fine" I can't get attached to anyone here they'll probably have the same reaction as my parents did if I tell

I'm glad he goes back to his music , I don't really have anything to do since my phone has a cracked screen and it's pretty old and I can see his phone , he has the newest one I don't really want to seem like I'm poor so I'll just keep it in my pocket so I end up looking out the window until we're at school

Author here! I hope this is okay I'm not great at writing 😅 so if anything is up with it tell me! Thank you x

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