Part 15

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Hizashi's POV

Something seems off about this 'check up' this doctor keeps asking me about aizawa , how the fuck does he know aizawa and when I saw him and what we spoke about earlier

I mean everything was okay until he said he had to go and make a phone call

*doctor on the phone* yes is this mrs aizawa? Ah okay , yes this is about your child , yes , no I see that , oh , can I talk to them?, what , WHAT , okay , okay stay calm mrs we will have an ambulance sent straight away

The doctor then puts the phone down and runs out of the room

What's happening, is aizawa okay?? Oh no , aizawa please be okay... please I can't lose you... you're my everything I love you so much please don't leave me please please , no hizashi get it together don't cry , he's probably fine it's okay it's okay breath in... hold it... and out... just a few more times.... You're okay

The doctor then walks back in but he doesn't seem to look like anything has happened, probably means aizawa's fine phew what was I worrying about

The doctor then said "okay so Yamanda since when do you believe you started to hallucinate" what the fuck is this unwashed lazy ass looking man think he is on about

"I have never in my life" I say confused

"Don't be silly you hallucinated a conversation with that girl aizawa or whatever her name is , it. Wasnt. Real."

I don't know why but that pissed me off so much that I lunged at him and screamed while punching him , he made me so angry I want to fucking kill this bastard, how dare he talk about my aizawa like that

Next thing I know I'm being pulled off him and restrained but I continued to use my quirk and scream which definitely hurt people but I don't feel bad about it I don't care

But then one of the mhm grabbed this collar thing and put it on me which made me stop screaming and when I tried to again it shocked me

It shocked me hard ouch but... I'm... so so sleepy...

My body drops

No ones POV

Hizashi's body drops to the floor as he is injected with something that will make him calm down and go to sleep

Another doctor gets him a room where he is strapped to the bed with a quirk cancelling collar on

They finally allow hizashi's mum in the room , just not too close

She's sat on a chair in the corner of the room quietly sobbing

Hizashi's eyes slowly open as he regains consciousness

Hizashi's POV

I slowly wake up , barely able to look around since I feel so weak

Why am I here , what's hap- oh , no NO

I jolt up as the memories come rushing back I try to scream but it shocks me my mum looks up and comes rushing over to me trying to calm me down

"Hizashi you're okay , I'm here , you're in the hospital" she says as she puts her hand on my cheek stroking my cheek

She makes me feel like everything is okay but there's a look behind her eyes of pity but why is it because I'm here? Probably

"Hizashi , sunshine , there's something I have to tell you aiz-" she was cut off by a doctor bursting through the door

"Ah I see that he's awake now! That's amazing! So how are you feeling hizashi?" The doctor beamed

"Oh uhm I'm feeling fine" I say with little interest , to be honest I'm more interested in what my mum was going to say I'm pretty sure it's about aizawa , I hope that he is okay

Wait what was that doctor saying before on the phone something about ambulance and aizawa? I think?

"Soooo now that you're awake I need to talk to you alone , without your mother" says the doctor but he has a strange look on his face but I can't quite but my finger on it

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