Part 4

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No ones POV

The bell rang to signal it was time for home room class both the boys scramble to their feet they share an awkward silent goodbye as they walk the same way but hizashi is far behind on his phone... again

Hizashi's POV

So I'm catching up with Nemuri since we haven't spoken in like forever! I'm telling her about shota she already ships us! Like wtf but I'm not going to deny he is cute and maybe I wouldn't mind being with him I mean I am bisexual after all but I've only known him for a short amount of time!

Shota's POV

I look at the sheet of paper that tells me which room I'm in and it says 1-A hm okay just have to find it , luckily for me it's literally right in front of me so I walk in and sit in the very back , everyone's being too loud I'm just going to sleep

Hizashi's POV

I found my home room so I look around and see there is a space next to aizawa YEAHHHHHH , I strut over to the seat next to him and lean on his desk "aizawaaaaaa you alive" I say while poking him , I hope I'm not being annoying , he doesn't reply so I pout and walk to my seat and sit down

The teacher starts going on about something boring so I look out the window I'm sat next to and think... what would it be like to be a cheese sandwich? Like just to be eaten and your life only lasts a few minutes and then you're dead , is it counted as dead or are they still alive?? Like do they live forever?? Can food reproduce?? These are some very important questions that need an answer , I continue thinking about that until I look over at the clock at the front of the classroom and see it's 2 minutes until end of class

"YEAHHHHHHHH" "YAMANDA! QUIET!" I sink into my seat "sorry..." the whole class apart from aizawa burst out laughing. I look over to see aizawa sleeping how is he still sleeping??

No ones POV

The bell rings and all the students rush out of the rush out of the door but aizawa is still asleep on the desk

Aizawa's POV

Nice and peaceful no loud annoying people ah I only wish that would last forever but nope "YEAHHH AIZAWAAAA WAKE UPPPP!!!!" I jolt up and get into a fighting stance because it fucking scared the shit out of me "FOR FUCKS SAKE YAMANDA" "oops sorry.." I calm myself down and go to walk out of the classroom

"Aizawa wait for me!" For the love of god will he leave me alone I just want to sleep

No ones POV

*The rest of the morning goes by so now it's lunch*

Hizashi's POV

I had my last class and now it's lunch!! Wait where is aizawa? Where did he go? Hm I'm going to go look in the canteen. I walk into the canteen but he's not there so I go look around the field I end up running in the halls

???'s POV

I was walking down the hall trying to find the canteen god of course I had to lose my time table and the map of the school haha only something I can do I look infront of me and there is this boy with bright yellow hair who looks like he's looking for something but he's running like really running I go to move out of the way but I'm not fast enough and he runs right into me and knocks both of us over

Hizashi's POV

I have to find him!!! Oh shoot wait there is a blue haired boy in-front of me wait I need to stop it I'll knock into him , shit I can't stop , I run right into him and knock both of us over

"Shit I'm so so sorry" I say , "it's alright man , you alright there you look like you're looking for something?" The strange blue haired boy asks , "I'm just looking for my friend hehe 😅" " oh I can help you I'm kinda lost anyway , oh wait I never told you my name , my name is oboro!"

Hehe sorry it took so long for this part , it's not the best but it's all I can do for now the next part might take a bit longer because it's the week and I have online school and stuff , sorry!

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