Part 3

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I'm not very good at writing some things that happen in this character so if you know a better way to put it then tell me!

Hizashi's POV

The bus comes to a stop as I realise that we're here! At UA hdhehsjd I'm super excited!! Hahaha , I look over at aizawa I see him fidgeting in his seat does he not have a phone? Or is he just not on it? Why does he look like a scared little kitten okay not going to lie it's really cute I just want to protect him ahh he's so cute ... wait did I just think that... I'm not gay.. wait am I?...

Shota's POV

I can't stay still I'm so scared what if everyone ends up hating me , what if they find my secret out , no no no no they can't please I can't have anyone find out if they do I might be kicked out! I just want to be a hero and protect people I can't even be a hero who wants a trans hero god why am I such a freak why can't I just be normal

Oh fuck my breathing it's sped up fuck no no calm down don't freak out now fuck fuck no no not here not now not on a bus full of people I don't know what if someone from my old school goes here and tells everyone my secret no no no they can't please no

Hizashi's POV

I was about to tell aizawa that we're at school but as I look over I can see him having a panic attack he's... crying? Okay I have to help him

"Aizawa? Aizawa can you hear me?" He doesn't reply he's hyperventilating and shaking okay he might not want to be touched but I'm going to have to , I put my hands on his shoulders and look him in his eyes "shota , can you see me? Everything's okay you're on the bus we're at school" he seems to ease at that but he's still not right

"Shota? Is it okay if I hug you?" He nods so I take it as a yes and hold him in my arms as I whisper in his ear that everything is okay and other comforting words until he has fully calmed down and his breathing went back to normal

I decided it could be best to carry him off the bus so that's exactly what I did , we didn't have to go to home room until another half an hour so I went to the field and sat him and me underneath one of the big trees, I think he is asleep god what happened to cause that? I really do wonder , I've only known him for less than half an hour and I would already kill someone for him

I decided to just sit with him and go on my phone until either he wakes or the bell goes

Shota's POV

I'm running , I'm running until I can't run anymore I can't escape them they're always there judging me saying that word that word , I'm running through a forest I don't know if it will end or not questions run through my head : will they catch up? , will I fall? , how much longer can I run? My thoughts are ripped from me as a trip oh no no no no they caught up , he grabs me and pins me to a tree as she takes the knife and stabs me "AHHHH"

Hizashi's POV

I was scrolling through Instagram then through the corner of my eye I see aizawa flinch and move about in his sleep is he okay? is he having a nightmare? Should I wake him? Then all of a sudden his eyes bolt open as he screams "AHHHH" he looked around like he's looking for something until his eyes lay upon me "why am I here" he asks I debate for a second weather I should tell him or not

"Oh well you passed out or fell asleep I'm not sure so I decided to carry you until we got under this tree" his face looks concerned and embarrassed "oh" he says in a monotone voice

He goes to get up but I didn't want my friend to leave me all alone! So I threw myself onto him so he couldn't move but he winced and flinched I decided it was best to just get up ... we're sat in an awkward silence , I don't like this! It's too quiet for me!

Shota's POV

He carried me?? Ahh noo fuck why I hope my sleeves didn't come up or anything I don't know what to say I'm just silent well I usually am but this is a different silence this one was awkward and strange , I don't like it

Hiya! Part 4 will take longer to come out because I do have online school and other things I need to do at the moment but I promise to try and work on it

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