Part 9

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Hizashi's POV

I just wanted to make a new friend on my first day , this sucks but there seems to be someone up with that boy and I'm determined to find out.

At the end of the day I get on the bus with no sight of aizawa anywhere but that's okay... I think...

I get off the bus to be greeted by my mum "hey kiddo how was school?" I sighed and smiled "well it was awesome I made some new friends! Like uhhh oboro I think his name is and I'm trying to make friends with a kid called aizawa but... it's complicated..." that made my mother's head turn "the aizawa's?" "Yes" that seemed to make smile "they live next door silly Awh their daughter is absolutely beautiful she has long pretty hair , I bet you two would be great friends"

Did she just say daughter...? I'm pretty sure aizawa's a dude?

"Hun why do you look confused?" My mother asked looking at my confused face "Hm oh well because I'm pretty sure aizawa is a dude I mean shota is a dudes name"

This somehow made my mother look confused "Hm no they only have a daughter, shoka aizawa if you don't believe me i can see if they would like to have dinner here"

"Sure , I'm going to my room to change" I say as I'm walking upstairs , if we're having people over I might as well take a shower or something

I walk into my bathroom taking my shirt off starring at my body... hmm I should work out more , I walk into the shower and get ready and get dressed I decide on wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt as I'm running down the stairs I see my mum talking to someone in the doorway so I stand at the bottom of the stairs and then she lets the people in our house...

Wait... is that... no it can't be?? It's- it's aizawa?? Is she a girl??

I think aizawa noticed my face change and she put her head down , my mum turns to me and smiles "why not go take shoka upstairs? You two can get to know each other!" I politely smiled and led aizawa to my room but as soon as we got in my room she stood very awkwardly

"Can I get you anything, water? , juice?" I ask
She shakes her head

I sigh "hey I'm sorry that I thought you were a guy it's just I thought you were and I thought you're name was aizawa but I must have heard wrong and I apologise shoka" the second I say this her eyes widen and she looks like she's going to cry

"W-where's the bathroom?" She asks with her voice breaking , oh no did I do something wrong, I showed her to the bathroom and went back to my room

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