Part 1

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Sorry if this is bad this is one of the first fanfics I've ever wrote also TW for self harm in this chapter also TW for abuse

Aizawa's POV
I woke up , god I wish I didn't (pfft same aizawa same) I looked over at my clock 6:35am I sighed knowing I had to get up for school soon since it's my first day at UA I'm kinda excited but I'm not really because I don't want to make friends or anything that's not what I'm there for , I'm there to become a hero.

I roll out of bed because why should I use my legs when I can roll I knew I had some time to do things before school so I got up and walked into the bathroom trying to be a quiet at possible and not wake anyone up. I know it is wrong , I know I shouldn't do it but I can't help it I can't stop. I rummage around the cabinets that are in the bathroom trying to find what I'm looking for

'Ah found it' I thought as I picked up the silver object and admired it in my hand and it glimmered in the dull bathroom. I guess it started that day .. that day when father had come home after I had chopped all my hair off , see I am transgender I was born a girl but I am not a girl I am a boy and my name is shota but I knew neither of my parents would accept me so I put off cutting my hair for so long until I couldn't handle it anymore and I cut it all off

At the time I did it I wasn't thinking I wasn't thinking about what my parents would do or say I now wish I would have thought, I'm usually very rational about my decisions but that day I wasn't and when father had gotten home , him being home before my mother, he started walking up the stairs I'm assuming to greet me but instead of hearing his usually cheery voice telling me he's home and asking how my day had gone I was faced with a look of horror and then the screaming started

It went on for hours and then mother came back , she dragged me by my ear and pushed me down the stairs then grabbing a bat and hitting me with it screaming "you faggot" that word , that word hurt more than any of the beatings I really do wish they'd accept me but I guess it is what it is and it's now my life. Anyway back to the present day I was now sat on the bathroom floor with the blade pressed to my arm I applied pressure and dragged it down "what's the point in even living I have a villainous quirk and no way will UA keep me for long , I might as well give up now"

As I realise how far I had gone this time I began to panic , I'd never gone this far before fuck I'm going to have to bandage it so I walk over to the small med kit under the sink and wrap my arms up , well time to get ready for school

Hiya writer here I hope that's alright for the first chapter sorry if it's too long or too short! I think it's alright I should hopefully be making the next chapter soon but no promises!

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