i put a spell on you

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Hey! This is my first imagine i really hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: None
House: You choose
Bloodline: Doesn't matter
Year: Order Of The Phoenix

It was currently winter at Hogwarts. Y/N's favourite time of year. For her, it meant hot chocolates beside the beautiful stained glass windows and blankets in front of the fire with her favourite book. It all seems quite perfect doesn't it?

Well...not exactly.

Y/N was missing something huge in her life, something everyone else seemed to have. She longed for comfort. She hadn't spoken to her parents since the start of the year, and her friends..well...all they did was gossip and look pretty.

What Y/N wanted desperately was to have someone she could be herself around, someone she could stay up all night with, someone who will love her for who she was and understand every inch of her.

Y/N didn't really help herself though. She was quiet and liked to keep to herself. She was clever and got good grades, she'd spend her time studying or reading...not what most of the boys here are attracted too..they wanted the dim, fake girls who wore too much makeup. Whenever she was in class she would sit at the back, preferably in the corner and keep to herself. Nobody noticed her. She felt invisible.

The only place Y/N felt truly at ease was the library. Since she rarely had plans, she would spend hours on end in the library, sometimes just to admire the covers of the beautifully designed books on the shelves. The library was her safe place. It calmed her. Her dream was to be an author, so she was really in her comfort spot. Now all she needed was a comfort person...
Draco Malfoy. You've heard that name before haven't you? I'd be surprised if you haven't. He's part of the wealthiest, darkest family in the wizarding world. He was rich, spoilt and a bully. He was notorious for his bleach blonde hair and his loud, cocky voice. No one had ever seen a different side of him before..maybe apart from his mother..

Draco knew that entering his fifth year at Hogwarts things would be different. Which he didn't mind at all. His mother was urging him to focus on his upcoming exams, despite the fact he didn't really need to. He was the brightest boy in his year after all. Anyway, Draco loved his mother and was going to do exactly as he was told, even if it meant ditching his friends (of which he was quite pleased about) His friends...were the exact same as Y/N's. They weren't real, they were more like his fans. He couldn't tell them anything, he would get made fun of of course. A boy like him isn't supposed to show his emotions
It was a Saturday evening. Y/N was sat in the corner of her common room attempting to read a book, but that seemed to be impossible. All she could hear was her house mate Maria , drone on about the ghastly dress Pansy Parkinson wore to the Yule Ball the previous year. Y/N sighed and shut her book annoyed, plastered maria a polite smile and left the common room in a rush. Not caring that she just left her house mate hanging. She knew where she needed to go...the library. She made her way there and it was completely empty

The library was dimly light with enchanted candles and the smell of ink and parchment filled Y/N's nose. She smiled to herself. The girl made her way to the astronomy section, a section she had examined many many times before...She was so invested in stroking the spine of a delightful looking book, she didn't see someone stroll into the library after her.
Draco Malfoy had made his way to the library after spending an exhausting amount of time with his friends in the common room. He needed space and he needed to get away. So that's what he did. He thought it would be empty. He strolled in carelessly but stopped in his tracks when he spotted a girl to the right of him in front of the astronomy books.

Draco couldn't help but stare

She was the most stunning girl he had ever laid his silver eyes on. He admired her long silky hair that he was so desperate to touch. He studied her delicate figure and her perfectly shaped features. He had never seen any girl like her at Hogwarts, but oh boy, he wish he'd seen her before..

Draco was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realise she was staring back at him with a confused expression on her face
"Excuse me? Is something wrong?" Her voice sounded calming and comforting to Draco.

"M-me? oh? No...everything's fine...completely fine.." Draco stammered as he tried to keep his cool, failing miserably

Y/N had obviously seen Draco around before and she had to admit he was good looking. But he was a brat..so she never went near him

"What's wrong? Someone put a spell on you or something?" chuckled Y/N
"You did" Draco said now confidently.
Y/N smiled a giggled. Draco fell in love all over again.

"What spell did I cast on you hm? The one that makes cocky boys shy?"

"Hey i'm not coc-" Draco stopped himself before he could ruin the moment

"I'll ask again, what spell did i cast on you?" perked Y/N

"A love spell" said Draco

"Hmmm...i don't have any recollection of that...." Y/N chuckled as she made her way over to the love struck boy

Y/N stared up at his sharp jawline, her eyes travelling up to his soft plump lips and then to his gorgeous silver eyes..

"I think you've done the same to me..." Y/N murmured quietly, but loud enough for Draco to hear

Draco's signature smirk made its way onto his face as he placed a hand on Y/N's soft cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

Y/N's breath hitched as she noticed the pair of them lean in towards each other's lips.

Both of their stomachs were now erupting with butterflies, but it didn't stop either one of them. Before they knew it their lips were moving in sync, enduring a gentle but blissful kiss. It was perfect. Everything was perfect

Outside, the snow was falling silently, the moonlight creeping through the long windows of the library, setting the mood just right as the pair stood in the depths of hundreds of books.

No one could have a kiss more perfect than this.

Y/N slowly pulled away after a couple of minutes, her face a bright shade of red. She looked down at her feet nervously.
Draco was left speechless, but knew what they both wanted. So he pulled Y/N into a tight embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist as she did the same around his neck. Y/N buried her head into his shoulder and the pair stood in the comfort of each other's arms...

They had both found what they were looking for, without knowing exactly what is was they were searching for.
They'd both found the comfort they'd been desperate for, without knowing where they could find it...until now.
It was each other...
eeeek my first imagine aahhhh. i'm so scared. how did i do?!?!?! please lemme know🥺

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