dating draco would include

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heyy this a lil special chapter for hitting 10K, it means so much to me thank u❤️


draco would write you a sweet letter the night before a big test for example, because he knows that you're an overthinker but won't talk to him about it

when you cry, he doesn't sit there asking questions, he holds you close and listens

he'd keep a polaroid of you in his pocket at all times so when he's having a bad day, he can look at it and remind himself how lucky he is

draco would give you a very specific look whenever he was in need of a Y/N kiss. he would pout his lips and batter his long eyelashes

even when you're having an argument, he'd still wipe the tears from your eyes

he gets grumpy when he hasn't had a cuddle or a kiss in a while, and he'd pester you until you gave him your attention

during the holidays, he'd take you to malfoy manor and walk you around the beautiful gardens, and then he'd take you up onto his balcony to watch the sunset in the evening

draco remembers the smallest things about you; the exact scent of perfume you wear, the fact you always sleep on the left side of the bed farthest from the door, how you always prefer to write in black ink rather than blue and your favourite colour of sweet is green

he loves every single part of your body but never forgets to respect you. his favourite parts are your eyes, hair, lips and most importantly, your bum. He would always sneak a cheeky slap of your bum on the way up to your dorm or another cheeky squeeze when cuddling- though he'd always stop if you told him to do so.

when it's cold out, draco would find the need to fuss over you even more than he usually would. he'd insist you wore warm clothes, many of which you'd stolen off him. but there's one thing draco wouldn't let you wear- gloves. he'd always said he'd rather hold your hands in his to keep them warm, occasionally stroking your knuckles with his thumb.

draco's all time favourite thing to do with you is to cuddle up in front of a fire with blankets enveloping your bodies and a book in his hand. His voice reading you a pleasant story would never fail to drift you off into a peaceful sleep

you'd always love seeing draco's beaming smile as he ran up to you in the courtyard when you were with your friends just to give you a kiss on the forehead. he's literally the cutest everrrr

he'd quiz you on a topic you were struggling on in potions (since that was his specialist subject) and wink at you whenever you got an answer right. he'd also give you cute lil hints if you didn't get them right.

whenever someone got on your nerves or did something you thought was wrong, you weren't afraid to pull them up on it. you weren't usually one for physical fights but when it came to what was right and what was wrong, you weren't scared. once you'd given your opponent a smack round the face they'd leave you alone; this would result in draco coming behind you and placing his hand on your shoulder and whispering into your ear "that was so fucking hot"

draco was all down for hyping you up. wether you were on your period wearing baggy clothes and rocking a messy bun, or you were full glam in a tight dress for a common room party, he was quick to start fangirling over his lover "you're all mine eh? aren't i lucky?"

"i bought this because i thought you'd like it"- draco would occasionally come back from a long day with a spontaneous little present for you. it would sometimes be very expensive or sometimes it would be just a small, thoughtful gift. either way, you were glad he was thinking of you

you knew your boyfriend, and you also knew he could get very insecure. he'd worry that he wasn't enough for you, that you deserved someone better. whenever he felt like this, he wouldn't tell you- instead he would bottle it up and sulk all day. you knew though, you could sense when draco was overthinking and so you'd sit beside him, let him cry to you whilst you rubbed soothing circles into his back, reassuring him that he was more than enough. he would thank you with a few kisses and a tickle fight

you and draco would have many showers together. draco would love to rub the shampoo into your hair, never forgetting to make a beard out of the bubbles to make you laugh. seeing his naked body was also a huge bonus

draco was a top straight A student- which obviously came with a lot of studying. so when it was one of those nights when he would only pay attention to the parchment in front of him, he'd let you sit on his lap and snuggle into him until he's finished. when he finally thought 4 hours of studying was enough, he'd carry you to his massive bed and smother you in blankets.

when staying at the malfoy manor, draco's mother, narcissa, would have you do some adult jobs. this would result in you and draco arguing over who's turn it was to wash up, or why there's so much dirty laundry on the bedroom floor. it made narcissa laugh, watching the pair of you argue like a married couple

draco would 100% understand your goofy side and he would loveeee it. he loved when you were acting silly, trying to make him laugh and cheer him up. he didn't think you were weird, he just liked how comfortable you can be around him- this made him go goofy too, a side to draco nobody else was privileged enough to see. he would often commence tickle fights, pillow fights and dance parties in your dorm. what a cutie


RIP Helen McCory. You were such a big part of many peoples lives, so fly high angel, you'll be greatly missed❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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