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Heyy everyone sorry it's been so long, schools starting school so idk how often i'll post, but enjoy this cute heap of fluff :)


"I can't believe you're making me do this Y/L" your boyfriend remarked as the pair of you made you way to the port key

"Dray I promise you'll enjoy it, and plus, if you don't like it you never ever have to go again"

He sighed

"I'm only going because of how excited your lil face looks" a grin crept onto Draco's face

"that's my boy" you smiled

You had somehow convinced THE Draco Malfoy to go camping with you- a fully muggle activity. It was a given that Draco would not be jumping at the idea, but being the persuasive girlfriend you are, you knew he wouldn't turn you down.

It was mid spring, so the weather was decent and the skies were clear- perfect for a campfire later on. You and Draco made sure your rucksacks were safe on your backs before reaching for the port key, which transported you to a pitch on a campsite.

You pretended not to see the grimace on Draco's face. He better bloody cheer up, you thought.

You clapped your hands together enthusiastically before slinging your backpack off and started to put your shared tent up

"You just going to sit and watch are you?" you asked, not looking up from the nail you were hammering into the ground

Too scared to answer back to his girlfriend, Draco knelt beside you and asked what he needed to do. You gladly told him and he got on with it without a complaint. You had him wrapped around your little finger, and you loved it

About an hour later, and you and Draco had successfully put your tent up. The sun was beginning to set- both of yours favourite time of the day.

You grabbed an old radio from inside your backpack and fiddled with the buttons until an old romantic slow song came on.

You squealed and reached for Draco's hand. He couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach and the blush that rushed onto his cheeks. He loved seeing you this happy

"Dance with me darling!" you chimed

"Oh it'd be my pleasure" he said placing a soft gentle kiss on your hand he was holding.

The chorus of the song began creeping through the radio and the pair of lovesick teenagers danced like there was no tomorrow.

Your bodies were moving perfectly in sync. Draco's hand was placed on the small of you back and the other holding the hand he just kissed. The light from the gorgeous evening sun made your skin glow beautifully, and your hair shine effortlessly. Draco swore he was the luckiest boy in the world. Man, he was head over heels for you.

He almost didn't realise the music had stopped- he was so engrossed in staring at the beautiful girl he had in his arms, that girl he was lucky enough to call his.

"Baby it's getting dark, I should light a fire" Draco quickly returned from his day dream and kissed your nose. You could tell he was enjoying himself now

He let go of your hand and let you start a fire. He brought a log and placed it i front of the fire for the pair of you to sit on.

His heart has never felt so full.

After you successfully lit the fire, Draco waved you over to sit beside him on the log, which you did. His arm flung around your shoulders as he pulled you closer to him to ensure you were warm, despite there being a giant fire before you- I guess he just loved your company

Out of the blue, you remembered you'd brought your polaroid camera on your trip. You got up, making your needy boyfriend whine, and grabbed your camera before sitting back down.

Before Draco could think, you snapped a selfie of you both. In no way was Draco prepared for the shot, and when the photo developed, it revealed you in a smiley state, and Draco looking very confused and unprepared.

You held the photo in your warm hands and stared at your boyfriends silly face. You threw your head back and squeezed your eyes shut as you burst into a hysterical fit of laughter. Draco looked at the photo and noticed his expression.

Deep down he wanted to snatch the photo off you and launch it into the fire, but seeing your smiling eyes and laughing state, there was no way he could do that. He wanted to see you this happy forever, it was his favourite thing.

You started to calm down after a few minutes and took deep breaths. You wiped the tears off your face and giggled one last time
It was now fully dark out, the campfire being your only source of light. You leaned your head onto your boyfriends shoulder and snuggled into him, his warmth keeping you content.

"I'm glad I came sweetheart" Draco cooed while rubbing your back in soothing circles

"I knew you'd love it Dray.." you mumbled, Draco sensed your sleepiness

"Let's get cozy in bed yeah baby? You're tired" Before you could answer him he'd lifted you up bridal style and carried you into your tent.

Draco had already set out the copious blankets, pillows, teddies and sleeping bags so it was all ready for sleep! He settled you down and the pair of you clambered into the heaps of warmth and fuzziness. You laid you head on Draco's chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

He stroked your soft locks and kept you close ensuring you stayed warm through out the night. His strong arms wrapped around your frame and his chin settled ontop of your hair

"Goodnight my darling I love you" He kissed your head and lips before you replied

"G'night Dray I love you" you whispered as sleep took over you, soft snores escaping your lips.

Draco chuckled to himself and once again reminded himself just how lucky he was, cheekily snapping a picture of you on your camera. He waited for it to develop and when it did, he smiled and kissed it, placing it in his pocket. Soon after, sleep took over him also, and the pair of you snored the night away in the depths of blankets and pillows in the middle of nowhere. Perfect.

thank u so much for reading!!! we're so close to 2k that's mental. I love every single one of u! have a great day/night🤎

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