tradition (part one)

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Thank yous for 700 reads this is mentalll

Year: 5
House; Any but Slytherin (sorry🥺)
Bloodline: pure

Your mother had always told you that you'd know when you'd met the love of your life. That you'd feel so much compassion towards another that it would totally and utterly consume you.

She had read you novels as a child. Novels about love, not your typical tale about fairies and princesses.
Every night, before you would fall into a deep, peaceful sleep, your mother would retell you the story of herself and your father. Oh how it started so very wonderfully.

You parents were the type of couple every teenage boy or girl was envious of. They were perfect for each other, and both admitted that they thought they'd found the one for life. It was such a spectacular story

But then again, every story has a plot twist, does it not?

Your father had left your mother on a warm summers evening. He had been avoiding your mother for days, and when she finally spoke up about it, he left in a hurry with all his belongings

Though this had all happened years ago, your mother still dwelled on the thought that your father may return.
Every time she mentioned his name, her voice would turn soft and calm and he smile brightened, as did her gorgeous eyes.

It seemed to you, that your mother had found the love of her life, however your father had not. He left her alone, pregnant with you, with no plans of ever returning


Now 15 years old, you rarely saw your mother. You had received your Hogwarts acceptance letter at the age of 11 and happily accepted it.

You were now in your fifth year of Hogwarts.

You and your long-term best friend Draco Malfoy had started dating in the middle of your fourth at the Yule Ball. It was your dream night. He treated you like the princess you are and made you feel like the only girl in the world.

He'd done it all so perfectly. He took you up into the astronomy tower while the ball was still underway and took you in his arms. He told you everything he loved about you. From the way you hair fell so effortlessly to frame your face, to the way you smile had the ability to light up a room. He pressed his soft pink lips against yours and asked you to be his. You gladly accepted

From then on, everything has been perfect. You'd sent a letter to your mother about Draco and how you really loved him, and you thought he did too. She replied with a a letter telling you to be careful. She wrote "A real man has nothing to hide, he will tell you the truth about whatever you want to know. That's the sign of a man that wants to grow with you"

That sentence came to your mind frequently. You knew she was just worried but you were absolutely certain he would do nothing to hurt you.

But as I said, every story has a plot twist...


It was November. You and Draco were getting ready for your weekly trip to Hogsmeade. This was a tradition that the pair of you had since you were old enough to explore the village. Every Saturday you two would go and get a butter beer from the Three Broomsticks and he'd insist on paying. You could say it was your "weekly date"

You wrapped up warm and linked your arm with his. He wasn't very talkative today, which you thought was strange. But you settled on the fact it might be because of all of his prefect duties

You walked down the cobbled paths, chatting away. were more chatting to yourself than anyone, for Draco's responses consisted of grunts and nods.

You mentally sighed and lead him into the pub. taking a seat in your usual booth after ordering your drinks.

Draco had his hands in his lap, instead of their usual position ontop of yours on the table

"Dray what's up?" you ask with a questioning expression on your face

"Hm?" he whipped his head up. "Nothing Y/N...your hair looks nice" he said with little to no emotion

You laughed and shook your head "that's very flattering Draco but if you think a little compliment is gonna hide the fact that you're hiding something, is very funny" you crossed your arms

"God Y/N just-" he stopped talking as he saw a tall, brunette girl make her way into the pub. His head whipped up and his face became much more excitable than before. He had totally forgotten he was half way through a quite heated conversation with you.

You turned your head and bored your eyes into the girl, soon noticing it was your class mate Astoria Greengrass. Her eyes also lightened at the sight of Draco.

You cleared your throat and Draco's eyes travelled back to you.

"What was that you were saying Draco?" you smiled slightly, acting as if nothing was bothering you

"Nothing, I'm not feeling well I'm going back"
and with that he left the pub, but what you didn't miss of course, was the brunette you'd quickly grown to despise, followed only moments after your boyfriend.

That was the first time you'd felt suspicious of him. And oh boy there were many more to come
sorry it's short i'm rlly busy, but hopefully part two will be up soon. I love you all have a great day/ night 🤎

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