he's in love (part two)

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Following Y/N's dreadful night at the astronomy tower three weeks ago, her mood had not improved. Everywhere she went she saw them together, doing whatever it is couples do. She couldn't escape them, it was like the world wanted Y/N to be reminded constantly of how unwanted she now was, seeing as she really had no one left.
Y/N sort of went into her own world. No one to talk to, no one to cry to and no one to make her feel alright again.
Even on weekends, Y/N would stay up in her dormitory wrapped in the velvet blankets on her bed. She very rarely went down to the hall to eat, and so instead she went to the kitchens to get food. The house elves were very understanding of Y/N's situation and gladly gave her whatever she wished for.
When it was no longer the weekends and it was time for classes, Y/N's peers had noticed a huge change in her apparence. She was thinner now than she was before, very pale and constantly had tired eyes. Unlike her usual self, she would never raise her hand in class, not wanting the attention to be brought onto her.
To Pansy's dismay, Draco had noticed Y/N awful state and so badly wanted to help her. He had a slight feeling it was his fault she was like this. You see, he felt guilty for leaving Y/N with no one (which was definitely not done intentionally) and desperately wanted to talk to her and help her. Though he asked Pansy and she told him that he was to go nowhere near her and that she was doing it for attention. Draco knew his girlfriend was wrong but insisted that "he loved her" so he would do as he was told
Talking about love, Draco felt hugely disappointed. He had read books about love before...He read that when you love someone, nothing else in the world mattered, that you'd risk anything for the person you loved. You were supposed to feel warm and fuzzy inside when your loved one was around. Love was supposed to make you happy. Right?
Well. Draco was definitely not happy.
He felt as though he constantly had to live up to the expectations of Pansy, he felt pressured to keep her happy. Draco definitely didn't feel warm and fuzzy when she was around Pansy, instead he felt stiff and uneasy. Things didn't flow with her. She didn't understand him..not like Y/N did. Everything was so difficult with Pansy. She was demanding of him, she never let him go anywhere alone and she was always questioning him. Draco felt trapped. He was pretty sure this wasn't what love felt like...
It was another boring saturday evening for Y/N. The golden sun was beaming through the panes in her dormitory window which illuminated Y/N's room beautifully. She glanced at the clock, it read 4:27.pm. Y/N sighed heavily to herself. She still had around 6 hours before she could go to sleep. Slipping on a jumper she stole from Draco last year when she was cold, Y/N placed herself on the window sill staring out into the magnificent grounds of Hogwarts. She watched students laughing with each other, messing around in the sunshine before they would head down to dinner. Oh how she wished she could be having fun with someone...Y/N rested her head on the warm glass wondering what she was going to do for the next 6 hours.

Her thoughts were immediately interrupted by a gentle knock on her door. Y/N wasn't expecting visitors. She quickly got to her feet, making sure she looked presentable.
"Who's there?" Y/N asked from the other side of the door.
"It's me, Draco. Can you let me in?"
Y/N scoffed a little and then opened her door letting him in. She stared up at him, oh how she missed being this close to him. She admired his beautiful eyes..stopping when she noticed how bloodshot they were.
"Is everything okay?" She asked as he took a seat on her bed
"Yeah...I just wanted to check on you...I haven't seen you lately and i guess i miss you...and also i have to ask you something"
"Go ahead" Y/N had her back facing Draco as she stared out of the window, giving her a reason not to look at him.
Draco took a moment to respond
"I-I was wondering....excuse me if this sounds strange...if you've ever been in love before?"
Y/N was taken back by his question and stayed quiet for longer than she thought
"Look i'm sorry...i should go..it was wrong of me to come in here after weeks an-"
"yeah, yeah you're right if was wrong of you, but to answer your question yes. yes i have been in love" interrupted Y/N
Draco gulped
"W-what's it like? you know...being in love?"
"I thought you'd know by now. You and Pansy seem to be maaadly in love don't you think?"
"No! As a matter of fact we're not. At least i don't think we are...So...what is it then? This love malarkey?"
Y/N bit her lip before slowly turning around to face him.
"Well...love...is when you want to spend every single second with someone. Your mind is constantly on them, good thoughts, obviously" Y/N chuckled before continuing. "It's when you admire and understand every inch of someone. When you're in love, you're at your happiest. You feel comfortable and at ease with the person you love. You want to make memories with them, you want to experience new things with them. Everything you do, you do it for the person you love. Nothing would ever come between you and them because if you loved them, you'd fight for your relationship. You'd protect them at all costs, hating yourself if you let anything bad happen to them. You'd give everything up for your loved one. Like nothing else matters. You love them even when they're at their lowest, when they are struggling. You love them always. It's quite crazy when you think about it...how someone can make you feel so in love...but then again..true love is rare...it doesn't come easy"
Y/N finished her speech not taking her eyes of Draco once. Draco was staring up at her speechless. He was now sure he was not in love with Pansy at all. In fact, he hated himself for ever thinking he loved her even a bit. Draco then stood up
"May I ask...Y/N...who it is you're in love with...I mean...you've never had a boyfriend and in the whole 5 years of knowing you-"
Y/N interrupted once again
"It's you, Draco. It's you i'm in love with..but yet you're too blind to see that..
I gave up everything for you" Her eyes were starting to brim with tears at this point "I am so..so madly in love with you Draco..that night in the astronomy tower...when you told me you loved Pansy, I knew i had lost my chance. My whole world..gone..just like that. And it was all because you thought you loved Pansy Parkinson. It's pretty clear you don't. I mean...just the way you look at her tells me you'd rather be somewhere el-"
It was Draco, this time, who interrupted Y/N
"Y/N...oh my Y/N i'm so sorry...if i had known i wouldn't have...I-I'm the reason you haven't been well aren't i? I caused your pain..."
Y/N couldn't wait any longer...she knew what she had to do.
She cupped his cold cheeks in her warm hands and smashed her lips onto his. Draco was taken back but kissed her soft lips back without any hesitation. This kiss felt like none Pansy had ever given him. This one meant something...he was sure of it. As the kiss went on, Draco noticed the fuzzy feeling in his stomach and felt the blush creep onto his cheeks. Y/N held him close, she was half expecting him to pull away at first, but she was so glad that he accepted the kiss. Their lips moved perfectly in sync, they connected like they were made for each other. Both of them had tears in their eyes. Draco placed one of his hands on her waist and the other he used to brush a strand of Y/N's hair behind her ear. Y/N pulled away slowly for breath, keeping her face in close proximity of Draco's. Draco's eyes travelled around Y/N, taking in how naturally beautiful she was without any makeup and wearing his hoodie. He felt different, he felt warm and happy...just like Y/N had explained was how someone who was in love felt.
"I love you Draco" Y/N whispered softly
Draco didn't hesitate. He knew now, who he was really in love with...Who knew it would be his best friend?
"I love you too Y/N..."

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