spending the years together (part one)

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Year one-

You watched as the myriads of parents hurried their children into the scarlet Hogwarts Express, anxiety bubbling in your stomach.

Hogwarts was always something you'd fantasised about. But what if it didn't meet your expectations? What if you hated it? What if you failed all your classes? What would your parents say?

These thoughts raced through your head. Your legs had practically turned to jelly and your gaze was fixed sternly on the steam train before you

A firm grip on your hand brought your back to reality. You turned your head around to meet the silver eyes of Draco, your bestie since birth.

"My Mother said it's time to board, are you ready Y/N?" he gave you an encouraging smile, squeezing the already tight grip on your hand to reassure you.

You nodded a little, before waving goodbye to an enthusiastic Narcissa and a glum looking Lucius. Draco did the same before leading you onto the train, trying to find an empty compartment for the two of you

As you walked through the narrow corridor of the train, a rather large, tall boy, obviously in his mid teens, barged his way past you hitting your shoulder.

"Well, there's one prick and we haven't even got there y-"

"Stop the joking Y/N..are you alright? Is your shoulder okay?" a worried expression was plastered onto his face, which, you won't lie, made him look rather cute

"Oh Malfoy, it was just a push, nothing i can't handle don't you worry"

"Yeah well, if i catch anyone doing it again, they'll pay for it." A scowl was now prominent on his face.

You giggled at the thought of Draco, the small, cowardly 11 year old, making that big bloke "pay". But whatever, you were glad he cared.

The rest of the train ride to Hogwarts was just mesmerising. The Scottish highlands were truly beautiful, you couldn't believe you'd be surrounded by them for the next five years.

You were so busy staring out into the gorgeous landscape, you didn't notice Draco's stare onto you. He thought you looked so sweet admiring the view, he always liked the way you observed things, you saw the beauty in everything. That's something Draco only wished he could do.

After the most amazing train ride of your life, you'd arrived at Hogwarts. It was more beautiful than you could've ever imagined, and to say it was now your home, was incredible.

You and Draco walked side by side in the line of fellow first years. You tried to strike up a conversation with him but he was too busy fussing over Harry Potter. You let him be, hoping that by the time you'd got on the boats he would've forgotten about him.

The boats were...an experience. Anyway, you were lead into the Great Hall to be sorted into your houses. You weren't bothered which house you were sorted into, as long as you were with Draco. Draco obviously had his mind set on Slytherin, so hopefully you would be too.

You watched excitedly as Draco sat on the 4-legged stool and the old hat was placed above his head, almost immediately he was sorted into Slytherin. Now the both of you could only hope you were too.

Your name was called and you nervously stepped up in front of the whole school and perched yourself on the stool, the hat needn't even touch your head before it roared "SLYTHERIN!"

Draco raised from his seat, clapping and cheering, a huge, genuine smile plastered onto his face. He welcomed you over in a warm embrace, the pair of you ecstatic.


year two-

"Enemies of the heir beware? You'll be next mudbloods!" you heard Draco sneer from beside you as the crowd of students grew larger.

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