he's in love (part one)

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House: Slytherin
Bloodline: Pureblood
Year: Order of The Phoenix
Warnings: Angst?

Y/N and Draco had been best friends since their first year at Hogwarts when they bumped into each other on the Hogwarts Express. They shared a compartment and quickly got to know each other, but when they got sorted into the same house, that's when they really became friends.

Over the years Y/N and Draco became inseparable. They did everything together, they never left the others side and they really knew how to make each other laugh. They spent holidays at each other's houses and were never ever seen apart. Y/N was the only one who had seen Draco's vulnerable side, the side she loved most about him....yes..loved...

Ever since their third year, Y/N had become head over heels for her blonde best friend, she could no longer talk to him without millions of butterflies erupting in her stomach and a blush creeping onto her face. She loved his bleach blonde hair, his silver eyes and that smirk...that smirk drove her crazy. Every time the pair shared an embrace or a laugh together, Y/N's feelings for Draco would only increase. Draco was the only thing Y/N thought about, sometimes she caught herself staring and mentally face palmed. She knew she could never confess her love for the boy, she knew there was a possibility that if she told him, it would end their friendship and they'd never speak again, Y/N definitely didn't want that. She couldn't risk it, so instead she stuck to the secret stares and the daydreams. That'd have to do...

She wondered if there was a slight chance Draco would love her back...but she highly doubted it. Draco could get any girl he wanted, why would he choose Y/N, his best friend, out of every girl in the school? Y/N knew that Draco would much prefer someone far prettier than herself. If only she was perfect


It was currently the start of term feast in the Great Hall. This year would be Y/N & Draco's fifth year at Hogwarts, and no, unfortunately Y/N's crush had not magically vanished over the summer, though she wished they had now more than ever.
She had not seen Draco on the train journey to Hogwarts like she usually did. Y/N only suspected he was seated in the prefect compartments with his fellow prefect, Pansy Parkinson.
Oh how Y/N hated that girl. She had always been obsessed with Draco, and this angered Y/N greatly. She knew it sounded like she was jealous, which she definitely wasn't, but the way her stomach turned and her blood boiled when she watched the pair walk in late to the great hall, laughing about something "hilarious" Pansy had said.
Y/N eyed them suspiciously as they both took a seat opposite her.
"Where have you been? You could've missed the whole feast Dray" Dray was always something Y/N had called her best friend
"He was busy weren't you Drakey?" Pansy shot back as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
Y/N mentally gagged at the name Pansy had called him raised her brow suspiciously at Draco
"She's right I was just busy Y/N" Draco replied shortly before giggling at a face Pansy had pulled
Although it was only a small amount of affection Draco had given Pansy, Y/N couldn't bare to sit and watch them, so she got up, grabbed her bag and stormed out of the Great Hall and to the Slytherin common room.
Draco was about to get up and follow her but a pale hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"Don't mind her Draco she's in a foul mood as usual" remarked Pansy
Draco hesitated before sitting back down, soon the thought of Y/N was gone from his mind and his full attention was once again on Pansy.
Over the next few weeks, Draco and Pugface only grew closer. This felt like living hell for Y/N. She would see them hold hands under their desk during class- yes Pansy now replaced Y/N as Draco's partner in every class possible. She would see them laying snug on the green leather sofas in the common room. She would occasionally catch a glimpse of a make out session they were enduring, which wasn't a pleasant experience.
She knew she could treat Draco far better than Pansy ever could. Y/N was sure they spend most their time hooking up and not actually talking like a couple should.
Yes. They were now a couple.
Y/N was pushed away from them and whenever she tried to immerse herself in one of their conversations she would either get shut down or completely ignored. This didn't stop her trying though. She wasn't about to lose her best friend because he was a relationship. That would just be silly wouldn't it? She wasn't going to give up on her best friend and crush that easily. She was determined to at least have a conversation with him alone, she didn't care what about...she just missed his voice saying her name.
One chilly evening, Y/N was sat in her dormitory waiting patiently for 10 o'clock when it was past curfew. Y/N knew Draco would be out patrolling doing his prefect duties, but there would be a possibility Pugface would be with him too, considering she was also a prefect. Taking the risk, Y/N slipped her trainers on and sneaked out of the common room and climbed the steps from the dungeons. She made sure to keep quiet, ensuring Mrs Norris wasn't anywhere around. Y/N searched and searched for him everywhere and couldn't see any sign of him. She was about to give up before she passed the stairway to the astronomy tower. The astronomy tower was somewhere Y/N and Draco used to go when they wanted to escape reality. But now it seemed Draco was spending his time there with someone else. That someone being Pansy. Y/N could hear her deafening laughs and she could also hear Draco's soothing voice talking to her.
Y/N took a deep, frustrated breath before making her way up the stairs to the astronomy tower. She stood at the top of the staircase unnoticed, before coughing slightly, making her presence known to them both. They both turned to face her
"what are you doing here?! we're busy!" snarled Pansy while trying to pull Draco away from Y/N
Y/N stared at Draco with a straight face, letting him know she wasn't messing around and wasn't going to stand for Pansy's rudeness anymore.
"what's up?" Draco asked softly trying to hide the sigh he let out.
"I wanna talk" Y/N said simply
Draco looked at Y/N, then at Pansy before looking back at Y/N "alright" he said softly letting out a faint smile
Pansy gave Draco an annoyed look.
Draco whispered to her "i won't be long sweetheart" and pecked her cheek
Pansy shoved past Y/N before running down the staircase back to her dorm.

There was a minute of awkward silence

Y/N suddenly broke the silence.
"You two seem quite cozy" Y/N said dimly
"Y/N!" Draco seemed to have an outburst of happiness "she's amazing! she's perfect , Y/N aren't you happy? I can't stop thinking about her! She's so stunning and oh my...she can kiss!" Draco went into his own little world boasting about Pansy

"Sounds like you're in love" Y/N said letting out a chuckle, trying her best to hide the tears that were already starting to brim her eyes.

"How would you- Y/N! That's it! I'm in love! I love her! Oh My God Y/N Im in love!" Draco squealed before engulfing Y/N in a squishing embrace to which Y/N didn't return "I've got to go tell her! Oh my Y/N thank you!!"

Draco rushed out giggling to himself in glee.

Y/N felt utterly destroyed. She felt as though her whole world had come crushing down on her. She collapsed onto her knees breaking into heavy sobs that echoed through the tower. Her shaking arms wrapped around her also shaking figure as she fell into a deep, intense breakdown. Y/N knew, the moment Draco left, that once again she would become his second choice. She knew she'd lost her chance.
The boy she loved. The boy she would give the entire world for. The boy she fantasied about. They boy she so desperately wanted to be with...was in love with somebody else, and oh boy did that burn.
part two coming soon!🥺

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