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One simple hug

One simple smile

Just exchange of few words

Waving tapestries of unforgetful memories

Like a cool morning breeze she walks in

Like a raween flower she lights up whole world

Do you know who she is?

She is my best friend

A pleasant dream

She makes me cry tears of happiness

She is ethereal

 She is angelous 

When I wanna throw away my world

I can't because my world has her in it

We share a bond sweeter than honey

We share funky vibes like strawberry

 Before I close my eyes

 I thank heavens

For creating honey orange chocolate like you

I love you more than myself

Stay the same; you are lit

Let's meet soon

Steal tanks blow shit up and climb mountains

Spooky marriage; home in woods

Let's take our men and elope together

Far away from world

Where we can be at peace

Forever together

 Until the eternity 

Should I tell name 

I dont think so

She is angel 

And Angels are protected

Like a shadow she follows me

Like a beat she rests in my heart

Giving me hope

And a will to fight

A poem for someone special; I hope you love it cat mom ;)Good night

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