Just for My Light-Bringer

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The soft whisper of the wind
The quiet call of birds
The gentle rustling of the grass
The cool air catching everything

It's perfect out isn't it?
It's so pleasant outside
Nothing better than this
It's beautiful right?

It is nice
But it's perfect...
Only because of one
Yes, it's you

If you leave, the cool air will freeze
If you go, the animals in the grass will leave
If you exit, the birds will go mute
If you abandon us, the wind will turn harsh

Feel the ground beneath
Feel the clouds above
Feel the wind through you
Feel the life all around

This is your doing
This is your power
This is your damage
This is what you do

You make life
You make love
You make hope
You make light

Your impact is of goodness
Yes, there is dark words near
The woods always stay
They change out their leaves

They stay as reminders
They stay to show growth
They stay to guide you
They stay to take you off that path

(to be continued soon)

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