Your weirdo 😔

18 3 8

People said
Love makes you insane

People said
It makes you do things you never did

I used to laugh on my fellows
At the ones who went crazy in love

Now when you went missing
My love this fact hit me

With sheer solid brute force
Now it hurts like shit

I am going crazy
All the time I think about you

Everytime food touch my senses
I wonder have you eaten

Every night I lie in my bed
Thinking for hours

Whenever your voice touch my ears
Only tears come out

My heart hurts for you my love
I am an empty dark cloud

I go around the day like a ghost
Coping and surviving

Giving love and helping
Everytime I stop I remember you

My tears dont stop
They just come out on their own

I can feel your energy
It's so faint and hurting

My heart yearns for you my love
My soul weeps on your misery

Where are you
Where are you

Most of day I waste
In scrolling, biting and checking web

Come back please
Your weirdo misses you so much

I cant feel myself
I am sinking

Dont do this to me
Come back please

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