I am felicity!

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I am felicity

I am the light of my parents eyes

I am the companion of my brother

I am the smile of my friends lips

I am the spark to my dongsaen eyes

I would not fall

I would not fail

I would not wail

I wouldn't look back

I wouldn't cry anymore

Curse has been lifted

Nemesis has passed

Oh thy Lord thank you for keeping me sane through this

Oh thy Lord thank you for disclosing their identity on me

Oh thy Lord thank you for putting me through this

Witch is gone; curse has lifted

I am free finally finally

Far beyond her reach

Free from her chains

Poisoned yet Blissful

Finally I can breath

My shoulders are free 

Oh thy Lord heal me

Oh thy Lord forgive me

Oh they Lord lend me strength

Oh thy Lord bless me; I want to rise again

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