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Ring ding ring ding

Sadness knocks in

Ring ding ring ding

Monsters creep in

Ring ding ring ding

Mind screams in pain

Ring ding ring ding

Body breaks in pain

Ring ding ring ding

Tears flow out

Ring ding ring ding

The words hurt

Ring ding ring ding

Memories hurt

Ring ding ring ding

Inhale exhale inhale exhale

Ring ding ring ding

Conceal don't feel don't let it show

Ring ding ring ding

I choke on air and run for water

Ring ding ring ding

Fight fight fight you cant go down

Ring ding ring ding

Dear heart stop beating so fast

Ring ding ring ding

Someone screams in my head "GOOD FOR NOTHING"

Ring ding ring ding

That slap, that touch, that disgust eye, those bad words

Ring ding ring ding

I shut my eyes and exhale, dont feel dont feel

Ring ding ring ding

Pain pain go away shoo

Ring ding ring ding

Monsters laugh at my misery

Ring ding ring ding

Just go die no one wants you?

Ring ding ring ding

Another episode of retching

Ring ding ring ding

I see a witch in the mirror

Ring ding ring ding

Monsters laugh out at my misery

Tears of Rose: A Poetry CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now