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Are you a wizard?
Or an angel?

Ever since you stepped
You took my breathe away

You changed me from head to toe
You coloured me with rainbow

I have never felt this high
I have never felt this amazing

I laugh
When you laugh

your one smile
takes away my all tiredness

your work
never cease to inspire me

either I am sad or happy
thank you for staying and never judging me

How can you be so perfect
How can you be so bright?

You are like a star in sky
Whom I stare from ground

Wait for me
Hold on

Slowly and steadily
I am following your footprints

One day I want to stand infront of you
Then I want to thank you

For giving me a will to live
For teaching me to love myself

For giving me hope to strive
For giving me inspiration to fulfill my dreams

I look forward to that day
I hope you will be proud

I love you please be well until then
Dont stop shinning;you are my star

© Real_Ghostie97

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