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Oh lord!

Oh my creator!

I plea to you in my hour of insanity

I plea to you in this burning pyrexia

Heal me, bless me, forgive me

Have mercy on me because now my courage giving its way

Dont burden my existence with anything more I cant handle

Dont give me anymore lessons i cant digest now

Dont put me under trials and tribulations anymore please; I am exhausted

Dont take reality away now

I want this nemesis to be over now

I have been strong

I fought through every tide

But now I am tired n at my breaking point

Enough is enough now please please please

Even a warrior who gets injured is retrieved from battlefield

I am just a child

Clueless, small, weak and introspective being

I am just a bud who started blooming

I am just a puppet who broke free from clutches of ignorance

I am not complaining

I am just asking from the one who loves me more than 70 mums

I am a child asking for lollipop

I am a child praying for rainbow

I am a child asking to have access back to my friends

I am a child asking my share back in happiness

It's been a while you are giving me lemons

It's time for some strawberries dont you think

A lot needs to be done

A lot of heights left to be touched

A lot of dongsaens needed to be lifted

A lot of dreams needed to be fulfilled

A lot of smiles needed to be shared

A lot of mute needed to be given voice

Meow pleas in this isolation

Meow pleas in this helplessness

Let me smile

Let me live

I dont want a full stop

Give my story a semi colon please

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