I am not

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I am not your dog mom
Let me be sometimes

I am not your dog mom
Let me be if I dont want to be clown of show

I am not your dog mom
Let me be to have a moment with my emotions

I am not your dog mom
Let me be if I dont want to be a slut sometimes

I am not your dog mom
Treat me as a human sometimes

I am a human
But I dont feel like one

Your demands are too much
I am fading under them

Even a donkey master dont put burden
On it
Which is more than it can handle

Then i am your daughter
I am not a donkey not a slut

Why are you so obsessed
Why are you so insecure

Sometimes step out of your narcissism
And hug me as well

I am breaking apart
I am breaking apart

I am losing everything
Please just for once hug me

Then you can go back to your palace
This slut of yours will die in happiness

Under your demands
Under your needs

For once mom
Love me like i deserve

Its such a misery
I am a sick bitch

Same you raised me to be
I am everything but not a human

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