Chapter 4

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My Uber stops outside the club, the techno music echoing through the sidewalk and through me. I pay the driver, letting him keep the change and walk into the club.

It was full of people I already knew - either privately or as business associates. I hear a few 'heys' and 'hellos' as I make my way to the bar. I sit down at one end, ordering a couple drinks.

I was begging for time to pass quicker, I didn't even want to be here but Leroy made me go, under the pretence that he would come with me but ditched me last minute to be with his girlfriend.

I look round, the long bar was mostly empty except for someone sitting at the other end. Squinting my eyes, I try to make out who it is.


Sitting there, silently and oblivious to the fact that every eye was trying to sneak a look at her. From here I could see her tight red dress, encasing her perfect body, and her wild curls sprawling down her back.

Looking around, I can't see Chopra anywhere, so I make my way to her.

"Is this seat taken," I ask her, casually, referring to the stool next to her. She either can't hear me or pretends she can't as continues to sip on her drink.

I smile to myself, her disinterested attitude wasn't something I loved, but it meant that she wasn't giving anyone else her time of day either.

I see this as a perfect opportunity to finally touch her, however briefly, for what felt like the first time in my lifetime. Placing my hand on her shoulder, to get her attention.

I feel revitalised as my hand touches her warm skin. She shrinks at my touch but she doesn't push me away just yet. "I this seat taken?" I repeat myself, asserting some dominance in our conversation.

She places her hand over mine, for a moment, before pushing it off of her body. She pulls the chair out with her leg and gesturing for me to sit.

An involuntary victory smirk places itself on my lips, 6 months ago she would degrade me and then tell me to 'fuck off' but today she was pulling the seat out for me. This was progress.

"Engaged and all alone? Where is that little fiancé of yours?" I ask her, hoping he wasn't going to be coming here, so I could have her alone just for tonight.

"He's running late." She mutters, my hope cracks - he was coming but he wasn't here yet.

I place my foot around the leg of her chair turning it so she faces me, shamelessly drinking in her beauty. I'm silenced for a moment at just how ethereal she is.

Her perfect lips are coated in a killer red and her eyes are painted darker, making her sensational and hard to resist.

She realises my unapologetic gawking at her, as a soft blush appears across her cheeks, and she looks down at her feet.

I lift her face back up, wanting to kiss her so badly. Looking away from her lips, otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to control myself. My attention goes to her hair which had two horns sticking out.

"Are we supposed to be the devil tonight, Miss Davis?" I ask her. She's frozen for a moment but then slowly nods, as if in some trance.

I try not to feel to proud that I could still make her feel this way, even if I can - she's not mine anymore.

I'm about to get up to leave, she probably doesn't want me here. I take my hand away from her face about to get up when I hear:

"What are you supposed to be?" She asks, her voice barely audible but she said it, and I couldn't turn down a conversation with her.

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