Chapter 23

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We'll take our separate paths here, Miss Davis.

Why did I say that?

I shouldn't have said that because she'll believe that.

I don't want to leave her.

"Sir..?" Leroy knocks on my door.

"Come in." I tel him.

"Miss Davis wants to meet you - regarding you pulling out of Altec." He says.

"Set up a meeting whenever I'm free." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" Leroy asks me, as my friend not my assistant.

"What are you talking about Leroy?" I huff, the irritation in my voice is evident.

"Come on Xavier!" He throws his hands up "I was literally in this office when you guys broke up!"

"Before I change my mind Amelia, get out." I say bluntly.

And she does.

Leaving me standing there.

"Boss what the hell did you do?!" Leroy, who I forgot was standing there, shouts to me, his hands on his head at the shock of what I did.

"She needs time Leroy, even if I keep her know she'll hate it, then she'll hate me."

"You let her go?"

"Our story isn't over, I know it."

The memories hit me like truck, I had forgotten Leroy was there.

"Sir you don't have to go." Leroy says "in fact I think it's better if you didn't."

I shouldn't see her, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to.

"It's the last time I'm going to see her Leroy, don't worry." I calm him down, he was intruding but I knew he had the best intentions at heart.

"Fine. I'll set up a meeting - you have nothing for today is that cool?" He asks. I nod and he leaves my office.

The meeting was set for 2 hours later, which flew by faster than I expected.

"Mr King?" Her soft voice called my name as her head peeped around the door.

"Yes, come in Miss Davis." I say making my voice monotone and as stoic as possible.

She walks in and the open windows of my office perfectly blew wind sending her sweet scent to me. She smiled softly and took a seat opposite me.

"This Altec deal..." I started before she even had the chance to make any small talk "I'm leaving it."

"I still don't understand why, they are a very promising company." She sighs.

"Why?" I grit my teeth, was she so painfully oblivious to her effect on me "because quite frankly I don't want to be around you Miss Davis."

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