Bonus Chapter 2

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Majority Dialogue Scene


"Do you ever think about how our lives would've been if we hadn't met." I scoot closer to Xavier, cocooning myself in the blanket.

"I don't want to think about something like that."

"Oh come on," I put my cheek against his strong shoulder "you've never even thought about it?"


I snuggle into him excitedly, like he was going to tell me some juicy gossip, putting an arm over his chest and watching his jaw move as he spoke.

"All I know for a fact is that Kings Corp would've collapsed without you." He says "our fiancé act saved me from losing a lot of money."

"I can't believe that was 5 years ago, it feels like yesterday."

"I will never forget that day you barged into my office." He chuckles lowly.

"I will never forget meeting you, it was like seeing the big bad wolf." I snicker.

"You were just as bad as me." He accuses.

"No I was not."

"You're right. You were much worse."

"You would've probably ended up a barista or something." I change the topic, and he laughs at that.

"Do tell me how?"

"Well, without me being your knight in shining armour Kings Corp would've collapsed and you would have to be like most people and work a regular job."

"Oh really?" He raises an eyebrow.

"And I would come to your cafe everyday with Leroy and drink coffee prepared by your lovely hands."

"With Leroy?"

"Obviously, I would've never met Jodie and probably would have ended up hiring Leroy as my assistant."


"And you would definitely get my order wrong on most days but I would keep on coming back because my barista was so cute."

"So not only am I a barista but I'm a bad barista?"

"Well you would go from being a big shot CEO to suddenly taking orders from all sorts of customers and your anger would get the best of you, you'd probably end up spilling hot drinks all over yourself if I'm honest."

"And what makes you think you would still be a businesswoman?"

"I would've found a way. I'm pretty great."

"Ah, of course."

"You know I'm right, I definitely would have found a way to make my dreams come true."

"Sure Lia."

"Your tone leaves much to be desired."

"I wanted to start my own business too you know, but Eric was too young to take over Kings Corp and I had to take over."

I'm silent for a moment, we don't talk about Eric often and if his name does come up it's usually brushed out of conversation quickly.

"Do you regret taking over?" I ask him.

"Not really," he squeezes my hand "then I would've never met you."

I nuzzle closer into him. "I'm pretty glad I met you too I guess. I know I moan about you a lot—"

"You moan my name a lot too— ouch!"

"But before we got into this cafe-barista-business conversation,"

"Because clearly I dreamt all this up."

"I was actually wondering if you think we'd ever get together if it wasn't for you hiring me, you know in another world."

"I don't know."


"I want to say yes, but we were so close to not getting together already, I couldn't imagine it being easier if I didn't already know you."

"I guess you're right. Besides I did despise you for a good amount of time when I first met you."

"Really? It was love at first sight for me." He says, I know he's being sarcastic but I still can't help but blush.

"Goodnight Xavier." I kiss his cheek and turn around. He doesn't reply and I lay in silence.



"I'd like to think I'd fall in love with you in any life."

Mostly dialogue scene, let me know what you think.

I don't think these chapters will be too long since they're mostly snippets of moments I imagine b/w Xavier and Amelia.

Inspired by a sasusaku fic i read by KuriQuinn


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