Chapter 11

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"Good afternoon Robert." I shake hands with the boy from Altec, we were going to have a meeting before the holidays. I told him I'm not going start any new business projects before Christmas - Kings Corp is extremely busy during this season and I didn't have the time.

"Good afternoon Mr King, it's Robin actually." He corrects me.

I open my mouth to tell him that I really don't care what his name is but before any words could leave my mouth, a soft knock taps against the door of his office.

"Did I keep you guys waiting too long?" her voice, soft and sweet, asks. She had an apologetic look on her face.

"Don't worry about it Miss Davis." Robert says, openly ogling at her.

"I just arrived as well." I clear up. My voice moves her attention to focus on me. Her eyes settle on me, her small smile instantly disappears.

"Oh right, you're in this deal too." She remembers.

Throughout the entire meeting, Amelia's eyes never meet mine. She looks intently at Robert the entire time, watching his every word than looking at me.

"So is that plan okay with everyone?" He asks after he's done presenting his ideas. We both nod.

"I'll call you back in the new year." He ends the conversation.

"Why are we waiting until the new year?" Amelia raises the question.

"Well, Christmas is coming and I know you two will be busy with your own companies in the holiday season." He says.

"I run hospitals, I'm busy 24/7." She shoots back.

He's lost for words, stuttering and trying to not look stupid in front of her.

From experience I knew that wasn't an easy task.

"How about we do this," I swoop in to save his ass "If Miss Davis is so excited to start early then she can, I'm only contributing after Christmas - I have other priorities."

"So I have to do all the work until then?" She fires.

"I'll be there." Robert chimes in.

She gives him a look, as if he's said the stupidest thing ever - guess he failed "Of course you'll be there it's your company."

"Fine." I turn to face Robert "my partnership will start
with you on the first of January. Until then you and Miss Davis can share all the profits."

He nods and quickly edits the paperwork through his laptop.

"Happy now?" I ask Amelia, raising an eyebrow.

A content smile appears on her face "thank you." She mumbles.

"Also Miss Davis," Robert says "if you want to get Mr Chopra into this deal again then-"

"Are you trying to work with me or use me to get to my fiancé." She cuts him off coldly.

He's silent for a moment too long.

"I see." She gets up "Mr King" her eyes dart to meet mine "he's all yours. I hope you two have a prosperous partnership."

I nod, understanding, humour dancing under my still facial expression at his boy's panic.

"Miss Davis!" He walks after her, stopping her before she leaves the room "Please I didn't mean that - I just wanted to-"

"You made your intentions clear enough." She says, her tone remains calm and professional.

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