Chapter 27

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this chapter changes povs - im not a fan of it but i felt it worked best.


"I'm moving Eva Enterprises and myself to California."

He's literally taken aback when I say that.

I had planned it all already, although there was a slim, almost non existent, chance that I could confess to Xavier and get his love in return, I knew I had to prepare for the worst.

I chuckle to myself, I have the audacity to call it the worst.

It would still be a luxurious life in the rich neighbourhoods of California, it was far from the worst.

"Why?" He asked finally.

"I need to get out of here, you, Chopra and everyone it's too much." I say.

"Chopra is out your life now."


"Amelia. Don't leave." He says, I can hear the desperation in his voice.

"Why?" I scoff "so we can play a silly cat and mouse game?"

"It wasn't a game."

"It doesn't matter, Xavier. I can't promise I won't hurt you again and you don't deserve that."

He's quiet. He knows I'm right.

"Find someone better than me." I sigh "it won't be difficult."

"I don't want to." He says. Any emotion he had on his face is wiped away and he's just talking. "Why do you want such a lonely life?"

I run his question through my mind.

Why do I want such a lonely life?

I don't - any life without him would be lonely.

But he's too good for me and I know it. He knows it.

"Ok Xavier," I stand up to meet his eyes, beautiful brown orbs that catch me off guard "could you handle it all over again?"


"I'm not the same girl that you married. Could you handle me, love me at my worst? Would the love you feel be enough to make you stay?"

"You're worth it." He replies immediately.

A small smile briefly appears on my face at his wolf loyalty. I want to reach out to him but I don't.

"You.." I want to say something but I don't know what.

"Amelia I'll choose you. Every time, over and over again without I doubt in my mind."

"Why..?" I say, irritation lacing my voice.

Why can't he just let me go?

"I love you, even when you gave me every reason not to."

Even in this moment, him saying 'I love you' makes my heart beat crazily against my chest.

"You really do, don't you?" I slump my shoulders.

He places both hands on my shoulders, I flinch a little at his touch but don't remove it. "More than anything."

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