Chapter 10

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A couple of days have passed since the dance class and I've pretty much been working, sleeping and eating.

With Alexander being in London and Jodie and Jasmine busy with Jodie's dress, I was alone for the majority of my time.

Jodie had asked me to join them dress shopping but I knew she was in good hands with Jasmine, who was like the stylist of our group.

Besides, it wasn't like my work would stop.

Deciding to close up the office for today, I wanted everyone to have some time to spend with their families the day before thanksgiving.

"Have you prepared all your food shit for tomorrow?" Jodie asks, sipping an iced latte. We were at Bean, my favourite cafe, meeting up before the wedding chaos would begin.

"Why would I prepare anything, I'm not spending the day with anyone." I say.

"I really wish I could take you, but I'm with Leroy's family." She says overly sweetly "but did you forget that you invited Mr King.?"

She waits for the realisation to hit me "Shit!"

I scramble off my seat, picking up my purse whilst Jodie sat there a smile playing at her lips at my stupidity. "Where am I going to get a turkey the day before thanksgiving?!"

"Why do you have to make turkey, I bet you he's not coming over for the food." She smirks.

"What are you talking about?"

"He's got the Amelia Fever.." she wiggles her eyebrows "you could serve him my shit and he'll be happy."

I roll my eyes, "I'm alone today, he's alone why do you have to make it weird? Besides I'm happily engaged."

"Yes so happy that your fiancé is out of the country, scratch that out of the continent on thanksgiving." She sasses me.

"He's British, he doesn't care about thanksgiving." I say, leaving - I had to get something ready for me and Xavier for tomorrow.

It did sting me a little that he wasn't even making an effort to meet me for thanksgiving, if Jodie's wedding wasn't so close by I would've flown to London for him.

I brush it off, after our wedding it would be different.

Deciding not to even bother looking for a turkey, even if I find one it'll be too much food for only 2 people, I go to the butcher and buy a small chicken and some other bits for dinner, tomorrow.

After walking home, I prepare all of the food, seasoning the chicken the night before, following a recipe from one of the books I found lying around my house, and put it in the fridge overnight.

I wash my hair and body, now not wanting to worry about it tomorrow morning, and get changed into something comfy before sinking into my bed.

We still on for tomorrow? A text from Xavier lights up my phone.

Yep, come over whenever you're ready I reply and turn my phone off.

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